AFK grinding ban

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Re: AFK grinding ban

Post by Connor » Sun Nov 12, 2017 11:06 pm


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Re: AFK grinding ban

Post by Soulmusician » Sun Nov 12, 2017 11:51 pm

I think this wille benefit all of us.

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Re: AFK grinding ban

Post by Neo » Mon Nov 13, 2017 5:14 am

Hades may have been one of the biggest causes of this but it wasn't because he advocated for banning jt
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Re: AFK grinding ban

Post by BeepBoop » Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:15 pm

Not my fault I used something that was at the time uhh "legal"? to my advantage. Everyone had the same opportunity, everyone coulda afk grinded, everyone coulda advocated for the banning.
Just salt.

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Re: AFK grinding ban

Post by Puglet » Wed Nov 15, 2017 7:29 am

R.I.P server....

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Re: AFK grinding ban

Post by Puglet » Wed Nov 15, 2017 7:54 am

I mean if something like this where to go down which obviously it has there should be a way where we can get loot or drops from mobs while being away sort of like a chunk loader everyone can have like what 3 and cant be sold... bounded by each player or atleast a chunk loader that last for a certain amount of time and runs only a few hours then will go offline. The reason i say to bring something like that up is because who wants to sit at a grinder and hit continuously over and over just to get either xp or mob drops. I mean honestly i don't use afk grinding and tbh out of my almost 1800 hrs I've maybe done it once or twice but in all honesty like first you make it to where we cant afk then you allow it (at least the time to afk for server time) then you allow it then now who ever does it are punished by a ban. I mean come the fuck on guys just set a damn timer for you to kick a damn player like shit lol. It's not that hard just remove the fact that once your at the began rank and reach x amount of time your not auto kicked from server due to inactivity set that for all players to be kicked no matter the rank. It's just that simple. I'm not butt hurt over it i just think the idea of ban-ment to a player for afk-ing is retard all over it at its finest. Never have i ever stumbled upon any server in my life where they say afk-ing is punishable by ban-ment like really DF? I think it's absurd to such an idea. Really ruins the whole jest of "Grinder" like not to mention that the Spawner's cant even be on when the chunks aren't that far from the player already makes it worse but what i mean is that you guys (whoever does the code) sets it to where unless the player is near the spawner and i mean god damn near it, it will not spawn any dang thing. If this is a permanent thing i suggest you make some type of coded chunk loader to where when the player is at least on doing things he has some farming going on as in mob drops coming in instead of having to sit there and just continuously hitting the left mouse button or using auto clicker to do it

You guys made me laugh my ass off to this because its freaking hilarious!

Toodles - your friendly Puglet aka(Nox_Slave)

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Re: AFK grinding ban

Post by pig001 » Wed Nov 15, 2017 11:20 am

What? The problem with afk grinding is that the player makes a script to make them seem as if they are in game, e.g. Inventory interaction, throwing bombs etc. Meaning there is no way to "just set a damn timer for you to kick a damn player like shit lol". If this was the case, why wouldn't we have done this ages ago? If we made a system that detected the difference between a bot and an actual player, we might have made a lot of money.

I don't know if you're saying that we should just kick all players after a set amount of time, what would that accomplish? That just annoys players to hell, and I know plenty of people who can just make the bot check if it's on the title menu and rejoin. We can't fix all afk grinding methods or bots, we have to manually do it, something the moderator+ team are happy to do.

Afk grinding was bannable before it was allowed. It was allowed since we thought there was no way to code a fix (which there still isn't) but it was ruining the server economy that much we had to disallow it.

Here's the first example I found on Google for it being bannable, I've seen it be bannable on many servers, nothing new, it's usually classed as a "hack".

We are already a small server as it is, and making a chunk loader would mean a lot of extra lag for those players who just want to play the game.

You still can grind without going afk. You just stand there, move about maybe, and hit the mobs manually... I don't see what the issue is here? That's how it was when I joined. Everyone can do that, not everyone can leave their computer on for hundreds of hours. It's more fair on everyone. "who wants to sit at a grinder and hit continuously over and over just to get either xp or mob drops" I mean... Well... That is the point of the game, it should be more changing than "who has the most stable. Power supply". It was never intended to have fancy bots and auto grind stuff for you, players are still meant to do things manually. Also, on a side note, why would we code something that seems cool, for it then just to be thrown in a grinder and afk grinded for millenia, kinda makes it feel not as good.

Laugh if you want I guess, we're trying to fix the server problems one by one, making it as fair as possible along the way, and we'll continue to try to fix them just as long as players still want to play.

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Re: AFK grinding ban

Post by Puglet » Wed Nov 15, 2017 10:26 pm

Ok then why not rid the idea of getting money from mob kills IE: pirate spawners.
also a chunk loader is meant to load a chunk so how would putting it in a spawner be a waste of time? its serving its purpose... again auto clicking is not a "hack" the heck man... it just relieves your fingers from falling the fuck off from killing a boss i could understand not using it in a grinder. The thing that annoys me is the fact you guys have bosses with 20k+ health. Not saying that is not a bad thing just if your by yourself your finger might fall off after fighting a vamp boss. Another thing y'all should fix is getting rid of the Vamp during the time in which hardly players are on IE:10 or less players. Since your getting rid of "auto-clicker Cause its a hack". I just don't see why not removing the things "if possible" that cause econ issues that relate to afk grinding. (side-note how do you detect if a player is using auto-clicker? By just saying ohhh your using a auto-clicker?

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Re: AFK grinding ban

Post by pig001 » Wed Nov 15, 2017 11:07 pm

What? We already reduced the amount pirate spawners dropped to 10% of their original value to combat pirates.

Putting it in a spawner, what? I said a chunk loader would cause strain on the server since it's loading chunks constantly, causing many issues.

I never said auto clicking is a hack, I said other servers class it as a hack. We don't want it because it means players who are able to leave their computers on constantly get a massive unfair advantage over normal players. When a player joins and sees everyone afk grinding and Noone responding to them, are they going to stay? Probably not, and we have seen this so many times. Is making a lower amount of players on overall a good fix to this? No but for now until we get more active players it's better than before.

Uh, that's the first time I've heard anyone complain about the boss health, other games require a lot more clicking, I thought we were fairly tame on that aspect... If we reduce the boss health, it removes so much challenge, and makes it so easily killed, making the loot less valuable, and players less rewarded by killing it. E.g. Overall bad.

"auto-clicker Cause its a hack" that's a quote I never said... It's not a hack directly, but it is an exploit and bug abuse, there's plenty of weird and wacky bugs that make you stay not afk. Other servers do class it as a hack though.

"I just don't see why not removing the things "if possible" that cause econ issues that relate to afk grinding.". We have been fixing those, but basically everything to do with mobs, and blocks to an extent is afk grindable. So just removing the things won't work. Another reason removing pirate spawners all together will not work at all is because people paid real money for those, meaning we have to satisfy those purchases, and can't just remove them.

We have a set system the staff know to check if someone is afk grinding. If they fail the test, something will be done.

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Re: AFK grinding ban

Post by Kye » Thu Nov 16, 2017 3:51 pm

Time to come back to Craftland oh wait economy is fucked every player I like left lmao and the server is dying (Come on chance you know you want to)
Busy firing potatoes out of my butt.

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