[Guild] Raven

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[Guild] Raven

Post by Arbr » Tue Jan 06, 2015 12:39 am


Table Of Contents:
  • Guild Description
  • Rank Information
  • Project Information
  • Event Board
  • This Weeks Tasks
  • Current Members
  • Teamspeak Channel Information
Guild Description
The Raven guild is a wonderful group of people. We gather to do tasks, events, projects, and to help out others in the community. We want to give players a good time and a peaceful place to go and enjoy themselves. We aspire to be the best we can be and to improve on issues needing to be improved on. The Guild will be improving and goal is to lengthen and improve your experience on craftland.

Rank Information

Raven Member

When Joining the Guild you are automatically a Raven Member. This does not mean you get a Raven Member Hat. To get a Raven Member Hat, you need to get 500 Points in the Raven Guild. To get points you either need to donate to raven, work on projects, work on tasks, or even participate in events. The Raven Member hat is the first step in the ranks of the Raven Guild. There is a rule though that you cannot SELL or LEND your hat to anyone. If found you will have to pay a fine. This goes for ANY of the Raven Hats.

Raven Elite

When Receiving 1000 Points in Raven, you will get the Raven Elite Rank. This will be the next rank up which you will get a new hat. The hat is a little different from the regular members hat. Elite Members will be given Access to special areas within the Guild Hall.

Raven Doctor

When Receiving 2000 Points in Raven, you will get the Raven Doctor Rank. This will be the next rank up which will get a new hat. The hat is called the Raven Doctor Mask. It will have a Top hat with a Plague Doctor Mask. Raven Doctors will also be given Access to more special areas within the Guild Hall.

Demonic Raven

When Receiving 4000 Points in Raven, you will get the Demonic Raven Rank. This name and concept is still being thought through. But it is similar to the Doctor and Elite and will get a new hat and also given more special areas within the Guild Hall.

Raven Scribe - Task Manager

The Task Manager will be given a Scribe’s hat when they receive the position. Their Job is to design tasks and events for the Guild. The Task Manager is Required to work with the other managers to know what the Raven Guild currently needs. These will be used for tasks for the members to do. This can range anywhere from collecting saplings to collecting white point stars, anything that will benefit the raven guild. All The materials from tasks will be set in a storage for use in projects.
Another thing the Task Manager is Required to do is create events for the guild. These events must be logged and must be something entertaining for the guild. They must make events that members will show up to. They also will need to have a drive to creating new and interesting events or even contests for the members. These can also allow the entire craftland community sometimes to participate.
Task Manager needs to Log Tasks (Who did what task, How many Points does each member have, What tasks were made for members to choose from?), and to Log Events (Who Came to the Event, What was the event, result of the event, comments).

Raven Scribe - Marketing Manager

The Marketing Manager will be in charge of the materials we have and the bank account. They will also be in control of the Raven Market. Their goal is to gain money for the raven guild and keep our resources organized and logged. Everything needs to be logged! We need to know what resources are leaving our chests, what resources are coming in, how much resources, how much money was made from the shop, how much money we can use on projects, Withdrawals and Deposits into the Raven bank. They need to know where our resources and money is going to.
As Marketing Manager you will be in control of the Raven Store. You need to be able to figure out what the best materials are to sell, buy, and what items or blocks we should have sales on. They need to be able to keep the Shop Organized and be able to communicate with the other Managers so we can grow the raven bank and resources.

Raven Scribe - Constructor

The Constructor is going to be the one who has building plans for the guild. They need to make sure they are starting projects for the guild that will help the guild in the long run. They need to be skilled in building and be able to work with teams. They are hands on, they will make layouts, blue prints, ideas, ect. They will be the one who design or plan new expansions to the Raven Guild or Town. They need to be in contact with the other managers to know what materials will be needed for upcoming projects. They will need to find out from the Marketing Manager on what resources we have also, and to develop a plan to get the materials needed.
All Projects after planned out need to be approved by an owner. The Constructor is suppose to contact and owner, get feedback and possible approval to start a build. The Constructor will then have to keep logs of the players who helped with the building of the projects.

Raven Leader

The Raven leader is suppose to check and regulate the managers, make sure everything is going well. Approve or Decline Project concepts. Approve or Deny new Raven Members, Promote Current Members to Management Ranks or Even further. Keeps tracks of what points each player has to know what rank they will have. Raven Leaders need to make sure everything is being done. If something is not being done they need to step up and help out.

Raven Leaders are also in charge of the Raven Shop chests and have to add new members to it (aka Arbr needs to add new members to shop chest access), and has to add players to region. Need to make sure the Raven Wiki and Forum Post is Up-to-date, and also the Teamspeak channel. The Raven Leader is also supposed to bring forth new ideas and concepts to the guild and check what everyone thinks. They will also set times for Raven Meetings.

Project Information

Raven Guild Hall - Deepvale

One of the more bigger projects coming up will be the Raven Guild Hall in Deepvale. Since Deepvale is not out yet, we have much time to load up on resources so we can be prepared to build our guild hall asap. The Main resources we probably will be needing is stone brick, glass, cobblestone, shadow stone, acacia leaves, quarter blocks (a boat load of them), and several other materials.

Majority of the tasks will be for the collection of materials or tools that will be used for this project. The Guild Hall will probably be a Massive build consisting of a Meeting Room, Mentor School, Resource Rooms, A Nice Garden, Vault, Store, and much more. This place will end up to be the center area for anything we do in Raven in the future.

Raven Guild Town - Deepvale

Outside of the Raven Guild in Deepvale, we will be having a nice town. We will make homes and different typed of buildings. There will be a Basic District, Elite District, Doctors District, and possibly lastly a Lords District. Depending on your Raven status will depend on what part of the town you can be part of. All Interiors are fully customizable. Exteriors are customizable but with permission of the Guild Owner.
The Town (depending of the wants and needs of the Guild) will have room to grow and have more attractions within. Not everything has to be within the guild hall. The Town will also allow us to form relations with other Guilds or Towns by developing transportation systems that connect one another.

Raven Outpost - Piggy Kingdom

Mizsi (A Member of Raven) is currently working on a kingdom in the aether called piggy kingdom. This is a massive project which consists of snow, ice, and other polar materials. This will be one project our tasks will help supply and if needed build.

Goodbye Old Raven

With the creation of the new Raven Guild Hall, we will be completely removing everything from ./warp Raven. The only thing that will stay is Sleepys Shop. This idea of removing this build is still up for discussion but is a possibility of happening. Doing this will grant us with more resources that we can use when building the new Raven location.

Deepvale Continental Railroad

Depending on the location of Raven in Deepvale, there is a possibility of us creating a railroad. The only way we will build this is if we find a way to protect our rails without making regions. We want to keep it open for players to build towns next to the rails and possibly even build underneath. We do not want to obstruct anything from being used. This will be under talks in a future Raven Meeting.

Event Board

Currently No events planned at this time.

This Weeks Tasks

Task 1 Go Exploring for Autumn Shrubs. The More the better!
Task 2 Gain 400 Levels in Fishing this week!
Task 3 Max out your Herbalism Level!
Task 4 Host Quake Events All Week Long! - Jaylee
Task 5 Mentor at least 5 Players this week! - Mummie
Task 6 Update Several Pages on the Craftland wiki - Joyman
Task 7 Fill Your Iron Chest with Book and Quils - Cody
Task 8 Fill Your Iron Chest with Obsidian - Caylex
Task 9 Fill Your Iron Chest with Saplings - Digi
Task 10 Fill Your Iron Chest with Coal Blocks
Task 11 Fill Your Iron Chest with Ambrosium Blocks
Task 12 Fill Your Chest with Packed Ice - Caity
Task 13 Fill Your Iron Chest with Prismarine
Task 14 Create a Gambling Room in Disaria Services - Build
Task 15 Donate 300k to the Raven Bank Account.

Task Suggestions

If you have an idea for tasks submit them at: http://goo.gl/forms/1fW6XPXrE3

Current Members
  • [12] Raven Leader:Arbr
    [-] Raven Leader:LukeRage
    [-] Raven Leader:Sleepy
    [-] Raven Member:Build
    [-] Raven Member:Berryblast
    [-] Raven Member:Hotpot
    [-] Raven Member:Special_S
    [-] Raven Member:Se0xx
    [53]Raven Scribe:Caity
    [-] Raven Member:Mizsi
    [-] Raven Member:Derpy
    [50] Raven Member:Jaylee
    [-] Raven Member:Adam
    [10] Raven Member:MrHotPringles
    [-] Raven Member:Pig001
    [-] Raven Member:Red2
    [52] Raven Member:CodySewell
    [40] Raven Member:MrFluffy
    [11] Raven Member:Mummie
    [-] Raven Member:Diamondqueen
    [-] Raven Member:Stinastrawberry
    [18] Raven Member:Digi
    [32] Raven Member:Odd
    [30] Raven Member:Caylex
    [3] Raven Member:Joyman
    [13] Raven Member:Hades
    [-] Raven Member:Moomon
    [-] Raven Member:Nexonoid
    [-] Raven Member:Darkfire
    [-] Raven Member:Crazy
    [-] Raven Member:Aurion
    [-] Raven Member:Kye
Teamspeak Information

The Raven channel is open for the public to visit and start conversations. If a member outside of raven joins the channel, they will automatically have to ask for talk power. No Channel Permissions will be given to players outside of Raven. Scribes and Leaders of the guild will all be Channel Administrators. Other Raven members will sometimes have possibilities to be operators, depending if the channel administrators feel it fits. Otherwise, everyone will be voice. Players will receive the Fish if they have caused too much of an annoyance, or they will get talk power revoked.


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Do you have access to teamspeak?
Why do you want to join raven?

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Re: Raven [Guild]

Post by Soulmusician » Sat May 09, 2015 8:28 am

I got a job for all you Ravens.

Please develop something like a tutorial or craftland path of knowledge.

You could work it as a hall with a public warp in a empty world where you can build it in creative so that people can go there and acutally understand the possibilities of craftland.

You could although have it like a minigame and use the old maze concept with two ways the right one leads into the next stage the wrong answer kills you or got you fight mobs o plenty.

What you think?

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Re: Raven [Guild]

Post by Kye » Tue May 12, 2015 10:06 pm

Well you most active Raven member here I won't be on ts for a week or so as i'm going on holiday not sure how this effects me coming on Teamspeak anyways ill be back on the 20th may because i'm so on Teamspeak everyday JK.
Busy firing potatoes out of my butt.

In other news Derpy wins the Award for most Jailbait.

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Re: Raven [Guild]

Post by Arbr » Wed May 13, 2015 4:26 pm

Kye wrote:Well you most active Raven member here I won't be on ts for a week or so as i'm going on holiday not sure how this effects me coming on Teamspeak anyways ill be back on the 20th may because i'm so on Teamspeak everyday JK.
What was the point of this post?

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Re: Raven [Guild]

Post by Kye » Wed May 13, 2015 8:57 pm

Arbr wrote:
Kye wrote:Well you most active Raven member here I won't be on ts for a week or so as i'm going on holiday not sure how this effects me coming on Teamspeak anyways ill be back on the 20th may because i'm so on Teamspeak everyday JK.
What was the point of this post?
The point of this post was to inform you that i'm going on holiday and won't be on Teamspeak.
Busy firing potatoes out of my butt.

In other news Derpy wins the Award for most Jailbait.

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Re: Raven [Guild]

Post by Arbr » Thu Jun 11, 2015 5:26 pm

Application Process has changed, All Applications removed and if you wish to apply use the new application form.

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Re: Raven [Guild]

Post by TheLegendJet » Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:27 am

Leaving Raven, remove me from the Teamspeak list and here from the Points Board.
The hat is at /warp argmart in the chest right next to the warp.

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Re: Raven [Guild]

Post by Kye » Mon Jun 22, 2015 10:20 pm

Leaving Raven to start my Cult. see ya.
Busy firing potatoes out of my butt.

In other news Derpy wins the Award for most Jailbait.

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Re: Raven [Guild]

Post by Arbr » Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:53 am

Welcome to Raven CodySewell

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Re: [Guild] Raven

Post by Arbr » Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:05 am

Updated Information on the post to be more fitting for todays raven guild.

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