Minecraft 1.7.2 New commands **PART1**

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Minecraft 1.7.2 New commands **PART1**

Post by BoLo_ » Mon Nov 04, 2013 5:41 pm

Hey! YoLo_ here with an minecraft 1.7.2 "quick" tutorial ! Please correct me if I'm wrong in any errors! thanks!

General Use and /give

What are DataTags?

DataTags are NBT tags used to specify conditions, attributes, positional data...and more, for blocks/entities/players in Minecraft. The DataTag string in a command can contain multiple NBT Tags in order to achieve many things - much previously-seen only by using tools like NBTEdit, and MCEdit as modified mob-spawners.

Because of this, the DataTag is already recognised as a VERY powerful enhancement to /give and the new /summon command. It's thus ESSENTIAL for map-makers looking for an edge in their maps' mechanics!

What is the format for DataTags?

I could use help explaining it here, but from what I've found personally:

ALL tags are wrapped in a curly-brace brackets { }, and tags are specified with this, like this example:
{display:{Name:"This can Rename an Item"}

You can also chain tags together, simply by using a comma -
{display:{Name:"This can Rename an Item",Lore:[This is a line of 'Lore']}}

We can turn this into a full command:
/give @p 268 1 0 {display:{Name:"This can Rename an Item",Lore:[This is a line of 'Lore']}}

@p Means the closest player (you)
268 is a wooden sword
1 means '1 wooden sword'
0 means 'damage value 0' (increase this to increase damage)

What about Enchantments?

'ench:' is a tag used for this, for example:


If you remember your Enchantment IDs from using /enchant, you'll be in luck here! They're the same IDs! If you do not knwo any Enchant IDs, check it down!

So, we have 2 tags INSIDE the 'ench:' tag:
'id:' and
'lvl:' (note how they are wrapped inside braces { } like the main tag)

These are both easy to understand, 'id:' is to specify the Enchantment ID (aka as the EID), and 'lvl:' is to specify the Enchantment Level.

In this example, we have Sharpness 2 being applied

Here is a full example, Sharpness 2 on a Wooden Sword:

/give @p 268 1 0 {ench:[{id:16,lvl:2}]}

This will give the closest player 1 Wooden Sword,
with a Damage Value of 0,
and the Sharpness 2 Enchantment

What if I want a NAMED Enchanted Item?:

Just combine both of what we learned before!

/give @p 268 1 0 {display:{Name:"This can Rename an Item",Lore:[This is a line of 'Lore']},ench:[{id:16,lvl:2}]}

Anyway, note how we simply added a comma from the previous 'display:' tag settings, then entered our 'ench:' tag we saw earlier...remember to close it all with a final brace } !

Feel free to alter the tags to your liking, such as the name, and enchantment IDs+levels.

EXTENDED: Multi-Enchantments

Multiple-enchantments are easy as pie, see the example below:

/give @p 268 1 0 {ench:[{id:16,lvl:2},{id:21,lvl:1},{id:17,lvl:4}]}

...This would give us a Wooden Sword with three enchantments: Sharpness 2, then Looting 1, and finally Smite 4 (in that order).

Note how it's as simple as adding another set of braces { }, containing the additional enchantments in the same way as before - just separate each new enchant with a comma, and you can add as much as you can fit !

Do Attributes Work??

Well, Yes!

Diamond sword with attribute modifier (yes, it works).

Here's the command:
/give @p 276 1 0 {AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.attackDamage",Name:"generic.attackDamage",Amount:50,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:894654,UUIDMost:2872}]}

Providing you've been keeping up with these tutorials, it should be clear how it's been avchieved: the tags 'Amount:' and 'Operation:' specify the way to add or multiply (set operation to 1 to multiply) the attribute effect.

While the 'AttributeName:' tag is used to specify what attribute type to use (which is generic.attackDamage in this case - so the damage of the Diamond Sword will be changed to +50 Attack Damage!

I never quite understood the use og UUIDLeast/Most, if someone cares to explain that, I'll add it into here -_-

Now, all the above tags fall within the main 'AttributeModifiers:[]' tag, and the command is executed as such.

/setblock, /testforblock and Block-Manipulation

A /setblock tutorial

The /setblock command. Start with this:

/setblock <X> <Y> <Z> <TileName> [dataValue] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag]

/setblock is the Command itself.
X,Y and Z are the Coordinates.You can put there coordinates or Relatives in.
TileName is the Name of the Block.In 13w37a you can use the name of a block instead of the Id for Commands.The Name is made like this:

minecraft:<Name(only little letters)>

For blocks with two words as name:

minecraft:<First Name(little letters)>_<Second Name(little leters)>

DataValue is the DataValue we all know. ! no need to explane!
oldBlockHandling is a new Syntax.There are three Options:keep,replace and destroy.
Let´s look at keep first:

/setblock ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:stone 0 keep

This Command means(we type it in Chat) that a stone will be placed under yourself if there isn´t an other block.Then,because we have keep there will be just placed a block if there isn´t anyone on the position.It will KEEP the other Block and type "The Block couldn´t be placed" in Chat.
Now we´ll gonna look at destroy.

/setblock ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:stone 0 destroy

If there isn´t any block under yourself it will place the block there,but if there is an other block it will DESTROY the blocks(he drops) and place then the chosen Block.
Now look at replace:

/setblock ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:stone 0 replace

Replace means,that if ther is another Block it will be REPLACED and won´t drop.
dataTag means the DataTag of the Block. We will fill in what we named TileEntityData before. Like this:

/setblock ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:command_block 0 destroy {Command:/say @p Hi}

That was /setblock.
If you found more commands or syntaxes ost them here.
PS:It says every time in the Chat if the Block was placed or not.
PPS:Also a command block outputs a Redstone Signal when a block is placed.

You can use the command /setblock to change what a block is or place a new one in that location. Let's say I wanted to set the block at 137 44 731 to an orange wool block. I would type the command:

/setblock 137 44 731 35 1 replace

If you wished to place a chest or another block that can contain items, after replace you would type the datatag for that block. If I wanted a chest with a sword in it the command would be:

/setblock ~ ~-1 ~ 54 0 replace {Items:[{id:276,Count:1,Slot:0}]}

For multiple items, just add this to the tag inside the square brackets and customize it how you wish:

{id:(Item Id),Count:(amount),Slot:(Location in chest)}

(Don't forget to use different numbers with Slot: , because if they are the same or you forget to add Slot: the last item will overwrite all other items in the container)

FallingSand Entity Techniques


FallingSand entities are simply the most magical entities in the game. ever.

You can spawn the state of sand as it falls, swap it for a block, and have it solidify after it reaches the ground! As well as alter the position, movement, and even CONTENTS of blocks like chests, and command-blocks.

So...yeah, you can get into some VERY advanced stuff with these, but I'll keep anything complicated in the 'Advanced' Section.

My First Solid Block!

Firstly, you'll want to start with the basic command, for these examples, we'll be spawning the FallingSand entity right where we are, like so:

/summon FallingSand ~ ~ ~

The ~ ~ ~ are relative coordinates - by having no values after the ~'s, we tell the entity to spawn exactly where we are!

So, let's start spawning a block:

/summon FallingSand ~ ~ ~ {TileID:1,Time:1}

Immediately we have TWO new NBT Tags - 'TileID:' and 'Time:'

'TileID:' is used to specify what block to use. In this case, I used stone (ID 1).
'Time:' is used to keep the block in-place, it's an integer (a full-number), ranging from 0-127 (128 values);
If t=0 it deletes blocks with the same ID at it's position.
If t=127 it despawns (currently, I'm trying to enforce this to work)
if t<1 it becomes 0
According to the wiki, if time<100, it'll remove the sand entity under y=0, and if time<700, it'll remove the entity at any level...I cannot seem to force this to work, though

Fly around a bit while using this command - you'll quickly notice how the block will try and solidify as soon as it lands! :biggrin:

Block Replacing and Swappers

You've got the basics, now it's time for the real action to start:

/summon FallingSand x y z {TileID:1,Time:1,DropItem:0}

...Basic command there - just to create our initial block we'll be replacing (NOTE: You don't have to replace blocks you had summoned previously; you can, in theory, swap any block!
Replace the coordinates with your own chosen coorinates, this effect only works by specific coordinates!

'DropItem:' is a simple tag to use, preventing the FallingSand entityfrom dropping itself as an item when it cannot land, and solidify, correctly.

The other tags can be read in the previous tutorial


Build the above image, Repeater set to 1 (although that shouldn't matter much), and the command-blocks are Command A and Command B (form left->right; remember this!). The redstone-block space is the area I'll be swapping.

Let's place our block we want to swap, using the command I showed earlier (remember to put in the coords you want for the 'x y z')

Now enter this command into Command A:

/summon FallingSand x y z {TileID:2,Time:1,DropItem:0}

Replace 'x y z' with the same coords for the block you want to replace (i.e. the one we summoned earlier).
'TileID:' has been set to ID 2 (Grass Block), you can change this if you want.

...And the last second command for Command B:

/summon FallingSand x y z {TileID:1,Time:0,DropItem:0}

Again, replacing the 'x y z' with the coords for the same block you're replacing.

Note that the ID here MUST match the block you're replacing! If you summoned the example I gave you, it should be stone, ID 1. Check the Item-ID list by pressing: FN + F3 + H. The ItemIDs should be showed when you pass the mouse on a block like this:


That's it! Just press the button, and it should replace the block. Note this doesn't work properly if typed in chat, which is why I asked you to build that particular set-up; else, do as you please with this neat trick.

Deleting Blocks, and Swapping Slabs (as well as spawning coloured wool)

We need to start this not with a command, but an image (Build this NOW):


..As you can see in the image (click to zoom-in if it's hard to read), our command-blocks have labels as signs: Command S, Command A, Command B, Command C, Command D, Command E.
I will refer to each command-block by these names, so you know what's-what!

The sign labelled 'Commands Section 1' consists of Command A, Command B, and Command C
The sign labelled 'Commands Section 2' consists of Command D, and Command E.

The redstone-block in the ground is the place we'll summon our block, then remove it.

IMPORTANT!: if Command S doesn't spawn the block on the Redstone-block, then please rotate your command blocks until it does. Remember to keep the relative-coords direction correct for this tutorial!

Start here:

Command S (and a note on Command C)

Command S contains the following:

/summon FallingSand ~-2 ~ ~1 {Time:1,TileID:35,Data:5,DropItem:0}

...This will spawn a light-green Wool block on top of the Redstone-Block.

'Data:' is a common tag to set the data-value of a block; with wool, the data-values are used to change the colour (e.g. Data:5 is light-green)

Now, take a look at command C, you can fill it in now if you want, but we'll get back to it later, so I just want you to keep the following in mind:

/summon FallingSand ~-2 ~0.5 ~-3 {Time:0,TileID:35,DropItem:0}

It's VERY IMPORTANT that you remember to change the 'TileID' of Command C, to the same as the block you summoned in Command S. Otherwise, the block already there will not convert to a FallingSand entity, and will not be removed!


Commands Section 1

Command A:

/summon FallingSand ~-2 ~-0.5 ~-1 {Time:0,TileID:152,DropItem:0}

This command will change the Redstone-Block in the ground to a FallingSand entity version for a very short amount of time. If you press the button with only this command entered, you'd see only a flicker, if anything, happen on the Redstone-Block. It's the other two commands that force a swap

'TileID:' 152 is the ID for a Redstone-Block, and 'Time:' 0 makes a none-solidifying FallingSand entity of the block.

NOTE: our Y-coordinate only goes -0.5 a block down, rather than a -1, full-block: it's hard to explain why this works better, so just take my word for it.

Command B:

/summon FallingSand ~-2 ~-0.5 ~-2 {Time:1,TileID:44,DropItem:0}

'Time:' 1 means this block will stay in-place if it can find a free-space, Command A from before means we'll get our space where the Redstone-Block was, as a FallingSand entity is not a block until it solidifies. This happens very fast, too fast to see, but basically the Redstone-Block is an entity just long enough for the Slab to take its place.

'TileID:' 44 is a plain Stone-Slab block.

Command C:

/summon FallingSand ~-2 ~0.5 ~-3 {Time:0,TileID:35,DropItem:0}

'Time:' 0 means that this block will be converted to an Entity for a brief moment, this command is targeting our light-green wool we placed, and want to remove; because the wool is above the Redstone-Block (now a Slab after pressing the button), it falls immediately down onto the Slab when it's converted to it's entity-form. When FallingSand falls onto a Slab, it gets deleted.

'TileID:' is set to 35, this is the ID for (white) wool; but we don't need to specify a Data-Value for it to know our wool is green, it still works.

Commands Section 2

Command D:

/summon FallingSand ~-2 ~-0.41 ~-5 {Time:0,TileID:44,DropItem:0}

We now want to replace our Slab back to the Redstone-Block we had before, essentially resetting everything back to normal, as if nothing happened.

Commands Section 2 should be quite familiar, as it's the same logic usd to replace blocks normally
The Difference? Positioning:

Note how our relative-y coord is set to '~-0.41', this is VITAL for getting this to work! Any higher, and it will NOT work; it can be lower, but must be above -1 (as -1 is the block below the Slab).

Why does this work like this? It's very confusing to explain, but essentially it's the way Minecraft rounds up/down decimal-places; in theory, -0.49 should work, but it just doesn't...So our Slab is temporarily set to a FallingSand entity, and positioned just-enough below the block we're about to spawn, as to not affect it.

It's confusing, I barely get why it works...let's just say It just does! :morons:

Command E:

/summon FallingSand ~-2 ~-0.5 ~-6 {Time:1,TileID:152,DropItem:0}

Now we spawn out Redstone-Block back, we're back to using '~-0.5' for our y again, so it slots itself a slight-part above the Slab, but fits into its space, without going to high/low to a block above/below.
Again, it's hard to follow why this happens, it's mainly Minecraft's logic for block-positioning.

Anyway, that's it! Add the buttons (if you haven't already) exactly where they are in the main-image, then press them in order (left-to-right), and you'll see your wool appear, disappear, then the Slab get swapped back...as if nothing happened!

IMPORTANT: The same logic for positioning Slabs doesn't work quite the same when using exact-coords; I strongly recommend you always try to use Relative-coords when making Block-Removers. The additional effort is worth it in the long-run.

Custom Chests, and an Introduction to Tile-Entity Data

NOTE: The following commands do not work in chat, they are all too long!
Look at the command below:

/summon FallingSand ~2 ~ ~ {TileID:54,Time:1,DropItem:0,TileEntityData:{CustomName:"My Chest",Items:[{Slot:2,id:276,Count:1,Damage:0}]}}

This will summon a chest, named 'My Chest', containing a Diamond Sword in thethird chest-slot.

'TileEntityData:' is a special tag, similar to the 'tag:' tag, and it allows you to specify additional information on a block (tile). Only Tile-Entities (they aren't entities, it's just a name really) have the option to specify TileEntityData. With chests, that data can change the name, items contained, etc..

'CustomName:' is a TileEntityData tag, it allows you to name the Chest, this tag also works for blocks like dispensers, and droppers. Here, it's set to be named My Chest

'Items:' is a compound tag (i.e., a list with other tags inside), that allows you to specify an item's slot, ID, Count (stack), and Damage-value (AKA Data-value). I added a plain Diamond Sword for you to see in Slot:2 (remember, though, the first slot is slot 0)

'Slot:' is a tag for use in the 'Items:' compound; it allows you to choose where the items will be. You always need to specify a slot, and two items cannot occupy the same slot.

Advanced Example:

/summon FallingSand ~2 ~ ~ {TileID:54,Time:1,DropItem:0,TileEntityData:{CustomName:"My Chest",Items:[{Slot:2,id:276,Count:1,Damage:0,tag:{display:{Name:"ENIGMA Blade",Lore:["Shhh, this isn't an","Advert at all"]},ench:[{id:16,lvl:2}]}}]}}

Okay, this command's long, almost too long for a command-block,even (the limits higher when using dataTags, but there still seems to be a limit, not sure what it is exactly maybe 256).

After using this command, you'll get a Sharpness 2 enchant Diamond Sword, named 'ENIGMA Blade', with some lore-lines, too. The tags to achieve this should be familiar, although I'll give a refresher on the 'tag:' tag...

'tag:' A generic tag used to list additional properties of an item, such as the enchantment, name, etc..

Let's briefly make split-up what's going on here:

TileEntityData:{CustomName:"My Chest",Items:[{Slot:2,id:276,Count:1,Damage:0,tag:{display:{Name:"ENIGMA Blade",Lore:["Shhh, this isn't an","Advert at all"]},ench:[{id:16,lvl:2}]}}]}

Zooming in a bit:

Items:[{Slot:2,id:276,Count:1,Damage:0,tag:{display:{Name:"ENIGMA Blade",Lore:["Shhh, this isn't an","Advert at all"]},ench:[{id:16,lvl:2}]}}]

So...why did I bother splitting-up each compound-tag for you? Because it helps understand the structure of the command. It's fine to just copy/paste these commands, and enter new names, but it's far better if you understand the structure enough that you may create your own version of this command, without having to sneakily steal someone else's setup. :headbang:

Motion to a Block (FallingSand Entity)

We can move these blocks before they solidify, a bit like a cannon-effect as they fling through the air!

/summon FallingSand ~ ~ ~ {TileID:1,Time:1,Motion:[1.0,0.0,0.0]}

To do this is lovingly simple;

'Motion:' is a tag used to specify, as a comma-separated list, the X,Y,Z direction (in that order) to fling our block to!

In this example, the velocity of our X-direction is '1.0', while the rest are '0.0' - this does NOT mean it'll move one block: it instead provides the game's set speed of '1' for its velocity.

As far as I know, this velocity speed is the same as the velocity of, for example, minecarts - but because it's a FallingSand entity, it of course falls down while pushing its velocity, eventually landing. Have fun with this one! :D

/tellraw and other Interactive Things

Superb /tellraw tutorial

/tellraw @a {"text":"Hi"}

/tellraw means the Command. ^_^
@a means all Players.
"text" is for the text.
"Hi" is the text.
There are these " :they are needed I don´t know why,but they are.
So.Now make it more specificate:
Awesome new Tag:

/tellraw @a {"text":"Hi","color":"red"}

"color" is a new Tag means the Color:It can be a color or something like bold,italic and so on....
So:The Problem is with tellraw there is just the Text and no Name before.You can make:

/tellraw @a {"text":"Villager:Hi","color":"red"}

Please Note: That's JSONAPI coding!

But if you want to have the Name normal and the Text bold or something use that:
/tellraw nidefawl {"text":"Villager:","extra":[{"text":"Hi","color":"bold"}]}
"extra" is a new Tag for extra features.Here we added an extra text to have it with different color.
for more multiples you can us this

/tellraw nidefawl {"text":"Villager:","extra":[{"text":"Hi","color":"bold"},{"text":",who are you?","color":"green"}]}

So:Advanced Uses:

/tellraw @p {"text":"Who are you?","extra":[{"text":"[Your Friend]","color":"green","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/tellraw @p good"}}]}

"clickEvent" is an Event,that runs if you click on the field in the chat.
"action" means an action:I think it´s redundant,help me understand this.
"run_command" is the only Action I know.It means if you click on the field in the Chat it will run the Command.
"value" is for the Command and "/tellraw @p good" is the Command.
Now,let´s add an HoverEvent:

/tellraw @p {"text":"Who are you?","extra":[{"text":"[Your Friend]","color":"green","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/tellraw @p good"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"That will be fine"}}]}

"hoverEvent" is an special event.
"show_text" means showing an special text when moving over the extra text and
"value" means the message,which is "That will be fine".
So:At the End an really advamced example for Map makers:

/tellraw @p {"text":"Who are you?","extra":[{"text":"[Your Friend]","color":"green","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/tellraw @p good"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"That will be fine"}},{"text":"[Your Enemy]","color":"red","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/tellraw @p bad"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"That will be bad"}}]}

This Example maks two extras.
I hope this helped.Try a little bit yourself and post Syntax you found(there are more actions,I think).
But the Events just work if Cheats are allowed.

Also you can makea complete Kit-choosing System with that(REALLY hard,but possible.
Better version:

/tellraw @p {"text":"Villager:","color":"blue","extra":[{"text":"Hi","color":"bold"},{"text":",Who are you?","color":"white"},{"text":" [Your Friend]","color":"green","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/tellraw @p good"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"That will be fine"}},{"text":" [Your Enemy]","color":"red","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/tellraw @p bad"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"That will be bad"}}]}

NOTE: You can put "bold" "italic" "underlined" "strikethrough" and "obfuscated" as own tags with "true" or "false".Try this:

/tellraw @p {"text":"Hi","color":"aqua","italic":"false","bold":"false","underlined":"false","strikethrough":"false","obfuscated":"false"}

/tellraw @p {"text":"(Your text here) ", "color":"(any choice of color)", "extra": [{"text":" (More text, optional)","color":"(color for optional text)", "clickEvent":{"action":"run_command", "value":"(the command you want to run when you click the optional text)"}}]}

You can also make it where you click on the original text instead of the extra text by typing the command as:

/tellraw @p {"text":"(Your text here) ", "color":"(any choice of color)", "clickEvent":{"action":"run_command", "value":"(the command you want to run when you click the text)"}}]}

To add more than one clickable extra text, just copy this and paste it between the previous one you added and the square bracket at the end:

{"text":" (More text, optional)","color":"(color for optional text)", "clickEvent":{"action":"run_command", "value":"(the command you want to run when you click the optional text)"}}

Just don't forget to add commas in the correct places.

I made this command check it out !!!!... It basically says all the the text modifier in the chat (not all the colors) (=§):

/tellraw @p {"text":"List of the different Colors : ","color":"gray","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"And how to right them !"},"extra":[{"text":"C","color":"dark_blue","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"'color':'custom_color'"}},{"text":"o","color":"green","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"'color':'custom_color'"}},{"text":"l","color":"aqua","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"'color':'custom_color'"}},{"text":"o","color":"dark_red","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"'color':'custom_color'"}},{"text":"r","color":"light_purple","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"'color':'custom_color'"}},{"text":" ,","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":""}},{"text":"Italic","italic":"true","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"'italic':'true'"}},{"text":" ,","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":""}},{"text":"Bold","bold":"true","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"'bold':'true'"}},{"text":" ,","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":""}},{"text":"Underlined","underlined":"true","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"'underlined':'true'"}},{"text":" ,","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":""}},{"text":"Strikethrough","strikethrough":"true","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"'strikethrough':'true'"}},{"text":" ,","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":""}},{"text":"Obfuscated","obfuscated":"true","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"'obfuscated':'true'"}}]}

for the colors :


Miscellaneous (Fireworks, TNT, Fireballs, etc.)

Brief Intro.

With the exception of PrimedTNT - entities like Arrows, Fireballs, and others are barely functional without specifying anything for them to do (such as a direction, or certain behaviour).

In these tutorials, there'll be provided ways to utilise some of these, and to better put-to-use these barely-used entities!



PrimedTNT is the name given to the already-activated TNT entity. NOT the block, but the white-ish version that's about to EXPLODE!

You can actually modify many parts of your TNT, here's an example:

/summon PrimedTnt ~ ~ ~ {Fuse:20}

'Fuse:' determines how long, in ticks, the TNT's fuse will last, setting it to a higher value will increase the delay until the TNT explodes. It's VITAL to remember this tag, as you'll be using it 90% of the time with all other tags!

Let's make our first TNT Cannon!

/summon PrimedTnt ~ ~ ~ {Fuse:20,Motion:[1.0,0.0,0.0]}

Oh look! It's the 'Motion:' tag again!
The 'Motion:' tag is very useful, and essentially the block-equivalent of the 'direction:' tag you'll be seeing shortly (if you haven't already). It's the basic means of moving your block-entities about in the air.

So there you have it, a simple cannon right there! Just adjust the [x,y,z] values (for example, Motion:[0.0,0.0,2.0] will fling the TNT in the Z-axis direction), and you're good to go already!

NOTE: If you want to control the Explosion-radius of TNT, then just use Fireballs (they're far easier to change!)
I will maybe add how to do it for TNT later, cuz I cannot remember xD

Fireball, SmallFireball and WitherSkull

Let's keep this simple:

/summon Fireball ~ ~3 ~ {ExplosionPower:0,direction:[1.0,0.0,0.0]}

'ExplosionPower:' is the power, in block-radius, of the explosion - by setting it to 0 (as seen here), no blocks will be harmed.
'direction:' is the same as the 'Motion:' tag - you can specify which direction, in [x,y,z] that the Fireball entity will travel towards, in directional velocity;
in this case, the Fireball will fly positively down the X-axis, at a speed of '1'.

NOTE: The fireball will stop mid-air, this is because it only travels a certain distance, you can punch this, or place a wall if you wish for it to explode.

The same arguments can be used for the SmallFireball and WitherSkull

Customising Fireworks

/summon FireworksRocketEntity ~ ~1 ~ {LifeTime:20,FireworksItem:{id:401,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Flicker:1,Trail:1,Type:4,Colors:[255,16711680,16776960],FadeColors:[255,16711680,16776960]},{Flicker:0,Trail:0,Type:1,Colors:[16711680,16776960],FadeColors:[255,16711680]}]}}}}

Thats alot of stuff to take in so ill separate it then break it down:

/summon FireworksRocketEntity ~ ~1 ~ {

ok so now by section:
/summon FireworksRocketEntity ~ ~1 ~

This summons the firework rocket 1 above the command block.


This determines how long it will take for the firework rocket to explode (in ticks, remember 20 ticks = 1 second)


Now we're setting the item of the firework, it IS necessary to include the id:401 (for whatever reason) as it doesn't explode without. Count:1 is also a precaution i took.


Now we need to specify tag: so we can set additional tags to the item. and we begin customizing the Firework itself with the Fireworks: tag


is an array of Explosion objects which are formatted like this: (you can have as many different explosions as you want from 1 rocket)


Flicker: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if this explosion will have the Twinkle effect (glowstone dust). Optional.
Trail: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if this explosion will have the Trail effect (diamond). Optional.
Type: The shape of this firework's explosion. 0 = Small Ball, 1 = Large Ball, 2 = Star-shaped, 3 = Creeper-shaped, 4 = Burst. Other values will be named "Unknown Shape" and render as Small Ball.
Colors: Array of integer values corresponding to the primary colors of this firework's explosion. (Look in colored armor section to get formula for calculating color values)
FadeColors: Array of integer values corresponding to the fading colors of this firework's explosion. (Again, colored armor section has formula for calculating color values)

Mobs, Entity-Stacking, etc.


Previously, only Mob-Spawners would ever help you here...and, while they're still more powerful than our dataTag'ing, Mob-Spawners will now be redundant for many tasks - even some once-thought complex things.

Here, I'll try to cover the most-common ways to manipulate mobs: including riding, effect/attributes, invulnerability, leashing, stacking, and more!

Basic Spawning and Equipment

The most-basic way to spawn a mob is to spawn them as-is, with nothing in-hand:

/summon Zombie ~ ~ ~

This will just summon a Zombie, relative to you (or command-block if you're using one).
Of course, this sucks - it's boring, and we all know what a normal Zombie looks like

Let's add some gear:

/summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ {Equipment:[{id:268},{id:301},{id:300},{id:299},{id:298}]}

There, we've given the guy a diamond-sword, and leather armour.
What? You don't follow? Lemme explain:

'Equipment:' is a tag known as a 'Compound' tag - it allows you to wrap other tags within it, for it to use. In the case of the 'Equipment:[]' tag, you specify tags for the 'id:' tags within it, and list them by separating with commas.

The order goes:
Hand; Boots, Legs, Chest, Head
so the first slot is for them to hold, and the rest is for the armour, starting with the boots.

I used the ID for a Wooden Sword (268)
..and then the IDs for Full Leather Armour(301->298 [boots->helmet])

Spawn him in and VOILÀ! He has his gear!

DROPCHANCES-Now working as of 13w39

So, turns out DropChances had been working since 13w39a+, but people hadn't firgure'd out the particular way to do them; thankfully, someone pointed it out (see below), so all these floods of 'how do I do dropchances!?' can now be answered.

To use the DropChances command you need determine a float value and the number of items with the Count, here's the mini tutorial command:

/summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {DropChances:[1.0f,0f,0f,0f,0f],Equipment:[{id:387,Count:1,tag:{title:How to get DropChances to work,author:Dinnerbone,pages:[Just use java floats instead of java ints and don't forget to put a "count" tag to each held piece of equipment with a value greater than 0!]}},{},{},{},{id:397,Count:1,Damage:3,tag:{SkullOwner:Dinnerbone}}],CustomName:Dinnerbone,CustomNameVisible:0}

Java is just really annoying about how you format the number, so the "f" at the end is necessary.

Also you need to include Count:1 with the item.

/summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {Equipment:[{id:276,Count:1}],DropChances:[1.0f]}

Instead of

/summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~ {Equipment:[{id:276}],DropChances:[1.0]}

Advanced Mob Equipment (Enchantments, Attributes, etc.)

Here, we'll discuss how to apply enchantments to mobs' weapons/armour, potion effects to mobs themselves, and possibly even Attributes (such as health, or attack damage).

Let's begin with this:

/summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ {Equipment:[{id:276,tag:{ench:[{id:16,lvl:2}]}}]}

Quite simple, easy-enough to understand if you're read the introduction to enchantments in the 'General' section.

is use to specify weapons/armour, ordered Hands, Feet, Legs, Chest, Head

'id:' is wrapped inside 'Equipment:', so it is used here to specify an Item ID (276 is a Diamond Sword)

'tag:' is strange; it's used to list extra tags for the item used, in this case I added...

'ench:' is the enchantment tag, working like usual (exact same structure as before). NOTE: The 'id:' in the ench tag is for ENCHANT IDs ONLY!

...And that covers it! You can now spawn a zombie with an Enchanted Diamond Sword! You want more? Okay, we'll get to that, don't you worry!

NOTE: Add multiple enchantments by listing them, see the 'General' section for more

Now we're getting serious!

NOTE: You can only use the following commands in command-blocks, they're too long for chat!

/summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ {Equipment:[{id:276,tag:{ench:[{id:16,lvl:2}]}},{},{id:300,tag:{ench:[{id:0,lvl:2}]}}]}

...Try to keep-up, we're getting quite complicated already here:

This will spawn a normal zombie (may have a chance of baby zombie, I'll cover that in the next tutorial), with an Enchanted (Sharpness 2) sword, and Enchanted (Protection 1) Leather Pants/Trousers.

All of this is within the main 'Equipment:' tag we saw earlier, and each item (the pants, and sword) can be seen listed within the main tag like so:


...Note the empty '{}' given - this is IMPORTANT! It lets the 'Equipment:' tag know to leave our boots-slot blank, as we're only adding Leather PANTS!

As you can see, though, the first three slots (Hands, Boots, Pants) are given within their own braces { }, but the boots are left blank, for we're not applying boots (only pants). It's vital to remember to leave slots you don't want blank.

Now, let's zoom-in on our pants specifically:


We've listed two properties, firstly out item ID itself (300, [Leather Pants]); and then out 'tag:' -this can be many things, but I've only added a single enchantment to make things easier. Remember that we're already in a List within a list by this stage, we could extend what we have (although there's not usually a reason to).

Finally, our last list-within-lists is:


...The Enchantment itself! EID (Enchantment ID) 0 is a Protection Enchantment, and 'lvl:' set to 2 means it'll be level 2 (0 does not count).

Applying Potion Effects to Mobs

You can add potion effects to mob using the following syntax:

/summon <Mob> <xpos> <ypos> <zpos> {ActiveEffects:[{Id:<id>,Amplifier:<level>,Duration:<time>,Ambient:<1 or 0>}]}

<id> means the id of the effect, which can be found here: MCWiki-Potion Effects
<level> means the level of the effect. Please note that you have to increase this by 1. (So an amplifier of 1 will give a level 2 effect}.
<duration> means the time in ticks. WARNING! A value higher then 32167 will crash your game!
<1 or 0> this is a boolean value, 1=true, 0=false - if true, there will be lessened particle-effect from the mob

So, for example, this will spawn an invisible creeper with hard-to-see particles:

/summon Creeper ~ ~2 ~ {ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Amplifier:0,Duration:3217,Ambient:1}]}

...and a zombie with regeneration 2 for 10 seconds:

/summon Zombie ~ ~2 ~ {ActiveEffects:[{Id:10,Amplifier:1,Duration:200,Ambient:0}]}

Please note that 20 seconds = 1 tick.

We can even add multiple effects:

/summon Skeleton ~ ~2 ~ {ActiveEffects:[{Id:10,Amplifier:1,Duration:200,Ambient:0},{Id:14,Amplifier:0,Duration:3217,Ambient:1}]}

This one combines the effects from the zombie and the creeper from above, and put them on a skeleton.

Note how we simple add a comma between our effects to list them, here's a zoom-in on that list:


The comma between '0},[{Id:' roughly in the centre is the point we separate our potion values. Remember that each string of tags is contained within their own braces { }, but separated by commas in this way.

You can also add effects to mobs being ridden:

/summon Skeleton ~ ~2 ~ {Riding:{id:"Zombie",ActiveEffects:[{Id:10,Amplifier:1,Duration:200,Ambient:0}]}}

The above one will apply the effect to the zombie. To move it to the skeleton, paste it outside the 'Riding:' tag, instead of within it.

NOTE: The 'id:' within the 'Riding:' tag MUST be lower-case, but the 'Id:' tag for the 'ActiveEffects:' tag should be capital 'I', lowercase 'd'

/summon Skeleton ~ ~2 ~ {Riding:{id:"Zombie"},ActiveEffects:[{Id:10,Amplifier:1,Duration:200,Ambient:0}]}

That's it for now, any suggestions will be added!

Entity Stacking and Riding

Stacking is when you plop an entity right atop another - it's usually more humours than useful, but nifty things can be achieved (and we'll cover those later - get the basics first!):

/summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ {Riding:{id:Pig}}

This is where the amusement rises - execute this command in-game, you will see a Zombie riding a Pig. No reason. Just because we can!

The magical part of the 'Riding:' tag, is that you can stack entities together by adding more tags within the 'Riding:' tag! Here's an example:

/summon Zombie ~ ~ ~ {Riding:{id:Pig,Riding:{id:Chicken}}}

Okay, so now we have a Zombie, riding a Pig, riding a Chicken. Look ridiculous, right? Don't worry, we'll cover more...practical...uses later.


Yes, to fence:

/summon Pig ~ ~ ~ {Leashed:1,Leash:{X:100,Y:50,Z:100}}

Just set X, Y, and Z to the fence post coords. (Not using relative "~" coords)

To other mobs, not as easy as you'd hope for, but possible:

/summon Pig ~ ~ ~ {Leashed:1,Leash:{UUIDMost:0,UUIDLeast:0}}

In this case you need to somehow obtain the UUIDMost and UUIDLeast values of the entity being leashed to.
Here's some information from the wiki:

UUIDMost: The most significant bits of the Universally Unique IDentifier of the entity this leash connects to.
UUIDLeast: The least significant bits of the Universally Unique IDentifier of the entity this leash connects to.

Sadly, not very many people know of a way to obtain these values, but if someone would like to explain how that would be great!

Minecarts (Pillars 'n' Things!)


Using minecarts, you can achieve many things. One of the most notable recent discoveries was the ability to create "ghost" blocks that ride in a minecart - these blocks can be moved+manipulated to be far higher than the minecarts themselves, and can easily be used to add angled-pillars for a nice aesthetic touch.

We'll cover other things later, but for now: I want to tell you how to create those pillars!

Basic Blocks in Minecarts

To start, let's just plonk some regular stone in a normal Minecart:

/summon MinecartRideable ~ ~ ~ {CustomDisplayTile:1,DisplayTile:1}

As soon as you spawn that, you'll see there's just a random piece of stone. Sitting there. Watching you.

That was boring.
'CustomDisplayTile:1' literally means 'display the block added inside'
'DisplayTile:1' is the block ID to display: I used Stone (ID 1)

Let's make a stack of--- EASY THERE! We need to work out how to move them up/down first!:

/summon MinecartRideable ~ ~ ~ {CustomDisplayTile:2,DisplayTile:1,DisplayOffset:10}

'DisplayOffset:10' moves the block up by 1o Pixels (so up by the thickness of carpet in minecraft). We can set it to 16 if we want it up a full-block!

What about Wool colours?
That's easy!:

/summon MinecartRideable ~ ~ ~ {CustomDisplayTile:2,DisplayTile:35,DisplayData:5,DisplayOffset:16}

'DisplayData:' is for the Data-value of a block. In this case, I set it to '5', and changed our block ID to 35 (wool) - 35:5 gives us Lime-Green wool!

I also raised it by a full block.

Can I make a pillar now!?
Okay, but you need to summon Multiple Minecarts to do this:

/summon MinecartRideable ~ ~ ~2 {CustomDisplayTile:2,DisplayTile:35,DisplayData:5,DisplayOffset:16}

/summon MinecartRideable ~ ~ ~2 {CustomDisplayTile:2,DisplayTile:35,DisplayData:5,DisplayOffset:32}

/summon MinecartRideable ~ ~ ~2 {CustomDisplayTile:2,DisplayTile:35,DisplayData:5,DisplayOffset:48}

Just a simple, 3-tall, pillar. Note how I changes the relative Z-coord to '2', just so it doesn't spawn right onto you for once. Also, you NEED to stay still to let the minecarts stack together!

Finally, note the important part: 'DisplayOffset:' is being increased by 16 each time - meaning they'll correctly stack onto each other!

After executing all three commands together (without moving), you'll get:


Isn't it beautiful!??!?
You can spawn the minecarts onto rails, stack the blocks higher, and then angle the rails to make diagonal-pillars! It looks great, and works a treat.

*NEW* Advanced (Mob-Spawners and More!)

/setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Zombie,SpawnData:{Equipment:[{id:276,Count:1}]},SpawnPotentials:[{Type:Zombie,Weight:1,Properties:{Equipment:[{},{},{},{},{id:46,Count:1}]}}]}

EntityId: The Entity ID of the next entity(s) to spawn. Both Mob Entity IDs and other Entity IDs will work. If SpawnPotentials exists, this tag will get overwritten after the next spawning attempt.
SpawnData: Contains tags to copy to the next spawned entity(s) after spawning. Any of the Entity or Mob tags may be used. If this tag is not used, the vanilla, randomly regenerated, data will be used.

SpawnData:{Equipment:[{id:276,Count:1}]} // Make the mob hold diamond sword

SpawnPotentials is just a list of other possible spawns. With these tags inside it.
Type: Overwrites EntityId when preparing next spawn.
Weight: The chance that this spawn will be picked as compared to other spawn weights. Must be non-negative and at least 1.
Properties: Overwrites SpawnData when preparing next spawn

/setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Zombie,SpawnData:{Equipment:[{id:276,Count:1}]},SpawnPotentials:[{Type:Zombie,Weight:1,Properties:{Equipment:[{},{},{},{},{id:46,Count:1}]}}]}

That is what we had.Make then this.

/setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Zombie,SpawnData:{Equipment:[{id:276,Count:1}]},SpawnPotentials:[{Type:Zombie,Weight:1,Properties:{Equipment:[{},{},{},{},{id:46,Count:1}]}}],SpawnCount:2}

Ok,we added this:


SpawnCount means how many of the Entity will be spawned every time the Spawner spawns.
This will now make two Zombies spawning every time.

/setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Zombie,SpawnData:{Equipment:[{id:276,Count:1}]},SpawnPotentials:[{Type:Zombie,Weight:1,Properties:{Equipment:[{},{},{},{},{id:46,Count:1}]}}],SpawnCount:2,SpawnRange:3}


SpawnRange is in which Range of the Center the Mob will Randomly Spawn.The Center is the Spawner.

/setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Zombie,SpawnData:{Equipment:[{id:276,Count:1}]},SpawnPotentials:[{Type:Zombie,Weight:1,Properties:{Equipment:[{},{},{},{},{id:46,Count:1}]}}],SpawnCount:2,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:64}


RequiredPlayerRange is the Radius from the Spawner,where a player have to stand in to activate the Spawner.

/setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Zombie,SpawnData:{Equipment:[{id:276,Count:1}]},SpawnPotentials:[{Type:Zombie,Weight:1,Properties:{Equipment:[{},{},{},{},{id:46,Count:1}]}}],SpawnCount:2,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:64,Delay:10,MinSpawnDelay:10,MaxSpawnDelay:100}


Delay is the Number of ticks until the Spawner will Spawn again.If it´s 0 the Spawner will take a random Number between
MinSpawnDelay the minimum and
MaxSpawnDelay the Maximum
to create a new Delay.

/setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Zombie,SpawnData:{Equipment:[{id:276,Count:1}]},SpawnPotentials:[{Type:Zombie,Weight:1,Properties:{Equipment:[{},{},{},{},{id:46,Count:1}]}}],SpawnCount:2,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:64,Delay:10,MinSpawnDelay:10,MaxSpawnDelay:100,MaxNearbyEntities:2}


MaxNearbyEntities means how many Entities with the same Entity-Id as the spawned Entity can be in the SpawnRange.
In this Case it means that the Spawner won´t spawn if there are more then 2 Zombies in the SpawnRange.
Also there are these ones:

/setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {EntityId:Zombie,SpawnData:{Equipment:[{id:276,Count:1}]},SpawnPotentials:[{Type:Zombie,Weight:1,Properties:{Equipment:[{},{},{},{},{id:46,Count:1}]}}],SpawnCount:2,SpawnRange:3,RequiredPlayerRange:64,Delay:10,MinSpawnDelay:10,MaxSpawnDelay:100,MaxNearbyEntities:2,x:1,y:1,z:1}


x,y,z are meaning the Position of the Spawner.
Also there are these Tags,but they were removed:
I think they are not working now,but correct me if I´m wrong.



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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 New commands **PART1**

Post by amp » Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:15 pm

Did you make this whole thing yourself?! D:
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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 New commands **PART1**

Post by Cynthriel » Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:23 pm

Chance wrote:Did you make this whole thing yourself?! D:
http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/196 ... orialswip/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 New commands **PART1**

Post by pig001 » Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:45 pm

*deletes Post*

But still, very useful

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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 New commands **PART1**

Post by BoLo_ » Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:07 pm

I edited it a bit. Not that much. Its just for advertising and make other peoples know about it. Its fun
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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 New commands **PART1**

Post by nickmcski » Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:49 pm

Ya, it's too bad Craftland dost have any of the 1.7 commands
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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 New commands **PART1**

Post by Faker » Tue Nov 05, 2013 5:50 am

nickmcski wrote:Ya, it's too bad Craftland dost have any of the 1.7 commands
It would be obviously be admin only.

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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 New commands **PART1**

Post by BoLo_ » Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:34 pm

Nick, why does craftland not have same commands as 1.7.2? It should be hard to learn all craftlandian commands. Hard to be an admin too then if you need to know all commands.
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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 New commands **PART1**

Post by nickmcski » Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:43 pm

Yolo_ wrote:Nick, why does craftland not have same commands as 1.7.2? It should be hard to learn all craftlandian commands. Hard to be an admin too then if you need to know all commands.
Well Craftland is still running bukkit 1.0 (a version when minecraft was still beta) nide is just adding the features from the newest version of minecraft.
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Re: Minecraft 1.7.2 New commands **PART1**

Post by Porkkana » Thu Nov 07, 2013 1:47 pm

You should still give credit to the original creator.

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