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Re: Greed

Post by Toguno » Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:08 pm

Just saying something here.

How does him abusing his powers make him "not nice" "not a cool guy". You guys are making him look like the devil, but he is still a good person. Just because someone abuses their powers, does not make them an "evil" "bad person".
Slash wrote:wow what the hell wizard, and i thought you were cool.
DakotaSpine wrote:I can't believe Wizard would do this. He seemed like such a nice guy, and he seemed helpful.
Note however i did not quote the whole thing, but that part.

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Re: Greed

Post by Banana_Cannon » Mon Jul 07, 2014 9:32 pm

Well, the only thing we care about is how he acts on the server, which has clearly been shown.
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Re: Greed

Post by Wizard » Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:13 pm

As you read this post you will notice that everyone thinks I am a dick, honestly I don't mind being demoted, don't mind being banned, I just mind that fact that everyone is thinking of me as a "bad guy". The only reason I am making this post is because I don't like the way everyone is thinking of me. All of this stuff here is a giant misunderstanding. If I had found that another admin did this stuff, I would think bad of him also, and feel that same threat of cheating/abusing. The things I do, and the ways I play, make me look very guilty of abuse, but in my head, I think of all of this differently. When I made, lets say the chests in the wall, my thought was "Oh this is cool! I can copy chests with the stuff still inside of them." I made little hidden treasures, locked, only I could get in them. I think of them as a ghost region, it looks like they are there, but they are not, and they cause no harm. They looked cool in my eyes as a decoration sort of. I did not expect to be demoted, and if I was ever quitting I would have retired. As Joyman said I have spent 4% of my life playing Craftland, so why would I screw with it. In my 2 years, I spent around 30% of my life playing Craftland.

My daily schedule:
Wake up around 10 am,
Play Craftland,
Eat dinner,
Sleep at around 4 am.

With school days it is the same but adding school between "Wake up" and Play Craftland". I was gaining around 60-80 hours weekly on Craftland, and blasted in front of the Legendary Handyman.

On a different note, when I feel up to it, and find the time, I will be making a forum post explaining just about everything I did wrong in the other staff's eyes.

I am not doing this to try to get admin, or any other staff ranking back, I just don't want to be known as the "douche bag who turned on Craftland."
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Re: Greed

Post by Joyman533 » Tue Jul 08, 2014 12:01 am

I'll let other people say what they think before I do.
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Re: Greed

Post by Slash » Tue Jul 08, 2014 12:24 am

i never said u were a bad guy. what i was trying to get at in my post is that i didnt think you would do something like this.

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Re: Greed

Post by Soulmusician » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:22 am

Wizard wrote:Hello,
As you read this post you will notice that everyone thinks I am a dick, honestly I don't mind being demoted, don't mind being banned, I just mind that fact that everyone is thinking of me as a "bad guy".

My daily schedule:
Wake up around 10 am,
Play Craftland,
Eat dinner,
Sleep at around 4 am.
Dear Wizard,

i think we have to set new sails, in my opinion you dedicated much to craftland i agree. On the other hand some sort of abuse of your powers sureley happened, but ok in my eyes that is a learning process for everyone who had to wield those powers. I know it ver well and to be honest some Admins before you weren´t the best advisors or examples. I herby exclamate Nick, Marc, Moosh and Handy even Vepas and BlackJack by this. They all do or did in my eyes a hell of a job for the server. But you know they are all special when it comes to what they do, like supporters, coders, website, builiding projects, etc.. They give their job a purpose and sure it might happen that they play around with their powers sometimes aswell but they keep it relativley small ;) (I hope I do not make you sad so far, keep reading please).
When it comes to you as player I have no doubt you still would be a cool addition for the server and if you want still to do more for the server, there are always tasks to be done. But keep in mind if the generality would let you in again, you got some work to do on your reputation, if your reputatin was crashed right or wrong doesnt matter it happened and it cannot really be undone, you have to be very smart.
For you to get back in and to know if people would like to have you back, why not do a "May i come back as player side by side with you my fellow blocklife craftland friends (a bit to dramatic sure but i think you get the thing)" voting thread.
Give it a shot explain yourself, like feelings, thoughts, plans, hopes and do a voting pol with for example the options: May i come back would it be ok with you?; To hell with this wizardry!; It´s not my concern what happened to you!.

As much as I really can give you I would vote for you to come back as normal craftlandian. Wait after some sort of punishment i think (getting your feet licked by a goat for example or being forced to work together with esto on a project and he is the leader or getting punished ever day for 15 minutes by 500 penguins firing snowballs at you ;)). You see the game never stops, til next time.



Hope this helped a bit and

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