This is so funny to read back 7 years later as something in me reminded me this platform existed...
Definitely no one is going to see this but here goes
I was in 5th grade when I joined this server back in 2014. I lied about my age to try and get the helper position (it was so obvious i was literally a baby) but I was legitimately 10-11 years old. My parents probably should not have let me have so much freedom on the internet at that age lmfao, I was joining in on the teamspeak calls and everything. I loved this server so much, one of my friend's brother was on this server and soon me and said friend were hooked. I built a massive house on an island and soon made the entire island into a whole community and build bridges to my friends houses (my actual real life friends that I forced to join the server). I was severely addicted to this game, and its so nostalgic to look back on all of it now, especially with the game losing popularity a bit. I swear I'd log on and know half the people online, and there was always so many people active. I logged on today and I was all alone. I believe I stopped being active in 2016? So that would have made me around 13-14 years old ish. Grade 7 . I was an awkward little middle schooler who thought she was so quirky but in reality I was just annoying lmfao. I don't really remember why I stopped being active, I'd suspect it'd have to do with my extracurricular activities I was doing at the time, I got really involved in theater and dance in middle school, which finally was the antidote to my crippling craftland addiction.
As a little update just for fun, I'm now 20 years old, in college. I'm studying Biochemistry and Molecular Bio with a Minor in Public Health. I ran competitive cross country for a college for a year before transferring. I also joined a sorority which was so completely out of character and ended up dropping after a year lmao. I think I'm still that weird little middle schooler at heart though, my hair is purple, my style is unique, I still watch anime, my music sometimes scares my friends. I'm very involved in my college radio station (WUOG 90.5 FM tune in), and I also play guitar and am the lead vocalist in a band. I also love indie films and obscure TV shows. I have a boyfriend of over a year (middle school me would have her jaw dropped to the floor at that information) and I'm on track to graduate in the fall. No idea what I want to do when I'm out of school but I'm hoping a bachelor's in biochemistry will give me some sort of advantage, if not I'll probably complete a doctorate while I still figure out what I'm doing with my life. If anyone sees this that used to put up with me back in the day just sayin hey!
to esto- sorry for making you buy me a bunch of stuff lmao but a belated thank you