Hope everyone is having an awesome Winter! I am. I never get to see the sun since I wake up at 5pm.. Patchnotes 9.05! Woo!
The Xmas event will be out tomorrow, after another patch, while a few things are finished up!
However, the Advent Calendar is released!
+ Added the Snow Globe.
+ Added the Golden Snow Globe.
+ Added a 6th kind of present; Celestial.
+ Added an item value to Hissing Hat, Revenant Remnant and Valkyrie Plates (this makes it possible to obtain them in Supply Crates and Christmas Crackers).
+ Added the ability to remove yourself from invited warps via the Warps GUI or /warp uninviteself <name>.
+ Added 40+ new possible fishing quests into the Daily Quest 'table'.
+ Added 7 new banner designs!
** Candy Cane (Made by combining your banner with a Candy Cane)
** Snowman (Made by combining your banner with a Snowball)
** Snowflake (Made by combining your banner with an Ice Block)
** Present (Made by combining your banner with a Present Block)
** Santa (Made by combining your banner with a Santa Hat)
** Menorah (Made by combining your banner with a Gold Ingot)
** Tree (Made by combining your banner with a Spruce Sapling)
+ Added the ability to see 3rd and 5th place Arena loot tables.
* The chances for higher placed players to obtain a super rare item has increased slightly.
* Anyone placing lower than 4th (7th for superbosses) no longer has a chance to get a super rare item.
* You can no longer make bridges out of saplings or aerclouds.
* Bridges now take into consideration the data of the block being used to create said bridge. For example; using Spruce Planks will actually make a bridge out of Spruce Planks, rather than Oak Planks.
* You can now make bridges out of these materials:
** Dungeon Stone
** Red Nether Bricks
** Wool
** Hardened and Stained Clay
** Concrete
** Nether Quartz Blocks
** Prismarine
** Marble Pillars
* Spamming CAPS will now automatically force your message to be lower case.
* Tombstones no longer store Soulbound items. It now sends the items to the player's Ender Chest or Item Inbox.
* The effects of Beacons, similarly to Gravitite Beacons, now cover the entire Y axis.
* Shiny, Snowflakes or Heart effect hats now fall under the Rare rarity.
* Valkyrie Lance range has increased from 4 to 5!
* Elysian Blade base damage has increased from 6 to 7!
Additionally, its damage bonus against Skyland mobs has increased from 2-4x to 3-5x!
(This increases its maximum possible base damage from 24 to 35).
* Obsidian Sword durability has increased from 64 to 256!
Additionally, its charged attack damage has increased from 4 to 12, at the cost of an extra durability.
* Phoenix Sword durability has increased from 64 to 128.
* Ice Blade durability has increased from 64 to 128.
Additionally, its charged attack frozen timer has been increased from 4 to 6 seconds.
* Changed "Merry Christmas!" main menu splash text to "Happy Holidays!".
* Broken Keys now burn.
* Reset mining.
* Players no longer get banned for spamming CAPS in private channels (Party, ShopChest etc..)
* Fixed Hoppers from sucking Soulbound items out of Containers.
* Fixed trying to give a dead player their Soulbound items back.. It now sends to their Ender Chest or Item Inbox.
* Fixed Daily Quests sticking to the old naming convention of Largemouth Bass (which was Bass in the past).
* Fixed a bunch of Inventory Desynchronizations when using the Disenchanter. It's less jittery to use now.
* Fixed hostile health bars from not wrapping around longer names/names with health totals.
* Fixed 'Playful Nine Tails' Spawn Egg and Mob Spawner displaying in creative menus.
* Fixed players being able to enchant Aether Grass using Ambrosium in regions they're not permitted to build in.
* Fixed players being able to spread Aether Grass using Swet Orbs in regions they're not permitted to build in.
* Fixed players being able to open Smokers in regions they're not permitted to build in.
* Fixed players being able to open Blast Furnaces in regions they're not permitted to build in.
* Fixed players being able to open Stencil Tables in regions they're not permitted to build in.
* Fixed players being able to open Tool Stations in regions they're not permitted to build in.
* Fixed Perfect Diamond Rod tool tip.
Patchnotes 9.05 - Holiday Banners, Bridges, Weapon Changes & Bug Fixes!
- Mogubea
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Patchnotes 9.05 - Holiday Banners, Bridges, Weapon Changes & Bug Fixes!
Ex-Owner of Craftland 
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