Help Wanted!

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Help Wanted!

Post by pig001 » Sun Jul 21, 2019 10:20 pm


- Know any good places we could advertise?
- Know of a way we could get donations up and running again without having to deal with legal issues?
- Know how to make a good looking banner?
- Know how to make a mean looking texture?
- Got an idea for a cool "micro event"?
- Good at testing stuff out and finding issues?
- Have skills in writing social media posts?
- Know an angle of advertising we havent thought about yet?
- Know a minecraft playing twitch streamer who may be interested in playing?
- Even know of a friend whos just getting into minecraft and wants a good server idea?

So, as many people can see the player counts as per usual are dropping over summer, and the staff team is one of the lowest I've seen.

The coding team are working as hard as they can, but we also have a lot going on, and right now it feels as if we're coding for noone.

So thats where the help is wanted.
We want to get players back. People have been talking about this "Minecraft Revival" where a lot of new players are buying an account or old players are coming back and we want a slice of that cake! :D

Think you have something or some great idea? Brilliant! Let us know by posting below, on the discord, or sending a message to an admin!

We're hoping to build up a team of reliable people who I know I can send a message too and they will be able to assist, whether thats with banner making, post writing, event testing, even sending people emails! We need reliable people who want to make the server better!

Dont think you have anything to offer? Thats not true. Any input is good input!

Quick side note: This help wanted is less about ingame raw features, e.g. items or such, and more about getting the server out there. Right now thats our main focus, and hopefully some of you can help! :D

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Re: Help Wanted!

Post by Soulmusician » Thu Jul 25, 2019 7:19 pm

Dear Pig,

the best would be to get it up to 1.14 somehow and advertise it as 1.14 server with a custom launcher and mods. Thats what all the others struggle to do, cause 1.12 is really the last version people coded for. I think many wait for Hytale and I would not be wondering if a Thaumcraft or another mod would come up there in the future.

For MC I think there is no other way then 1.14 to catch the kids out there, the modding szene is pretty low atm and even big modpacks are mostly only played in singleplayers or small places like ours. Only a few bigger servers with tons of modpacks and hubserver exist.

I have no idea how we could reach the 1.14 features and what would be needed in terms of dividing load, like how many got to code on stuff, making textures, etc.. Maybe a table with the minimum and maximum manpower needed and project milestones could help.


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Re: Help Wanted!

Post by Build » Sun Jul 28, 2019 2:02 pm

Hey everyone,

Its unfortunate to see that the server is not gaining the attraction it deserves. I personally think a good portion of things is well implemented and should / could be a "dream" server for a lot of unexperienced as well as experienced players.

That said, I think the fact that Craftland is no longer attracting new players in a continuous way is due to THIS big gap between beginners and long time players. To be clear this gap is not due to bad implementation of new features but rather the popularity of the server and its long existence... I think that this gap is a well known fact for staff and players in light of the discussions about resetting the economy, money,... so I do not need to explain any further.

Due to the fact stated above, I consider my advice as an indirect "marketing" strategy as it should increase the positive experience for new players and ultimately keep them playing on the server and hence increasing the general popularity.

Now finally ;)

Craftland should be splitted into
- one server for beginners (the "Beginner server") and
- one server for long time players fulfilling a specific criteria (criteria could be money, play time, a specific item).

The Beginner server has the advantage that everything is set at 0. (economy, items, money, etc) The main goal of the server should be to create an environment in which new players can interact, play, trade,... among each other without the interference of long time players. (for instance it can't imagine it is fun anymore setting up a store for a new player as lets face it long time players have everything in massive excess.) I think as a new player will loose interest in playing as soon as everything can be bought too cheap, is given free to you... I saw not just once that long time players were so excited that a new player joined and to keep him playing gave him everything for free. (if you receive Op books,... in the first hours you joined a server there is a high risk you will quit as you already achieved "everything" you could on the server without any effort.)

Below some key components / assumptions of the two servers :

- the two servers are not directly linked
- no items or money can be transferred from the "addict server" to the "Beginner server"
- as a long time player you can not login on the beginner server.
- the Beginner server has the same worlds, arena etc as the addict server with a resetted economy, money, worlds,...
- some items may be limited to addict server for instance op books, some spawners.... in order to still guarantee an incentive to play on the addict server
-as soon as a new player has reached the "criteria", he will be no longer able to play on the beginner server. The player can transfer 2 regions on the addict server including the items in that region. (this may be the most tricky part to define. how to do the transfer between the Beginner server and the addict server.)

I may add some stuff if I think of something else but I think this would be my essential advice.

Best regards,

PS: I understand that no "items" can no longer be offered for donations but I do not quite get why donations are no longer possible for increasing your ranks. In order to increase donations there should be ranks only reachable with donations that do not offer pay to win option but rather bigger inventories, bags, or other things that make it more enjable to play but no without being pay to win.
Last edited by Build on Sun Jul 28, 2019 2:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Help Wanted!

Post by Build » Sun Jul 28, 2019 2:04 pm

btw you guys should try out an agile programming method in order to develop and give updates on a continuous way on items / worlds etc in a more fluent way. You are on the right way but its sad to see some stuff not develop for a too long period ( dungeons ,...)

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Re: Help Wanted!

Post by Nozy » Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:02 pm

Craftland 2

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Re: Help Wanted!

Post by Trottero » Thu Aug 08, 2019 9:20 am

Build wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2019 2:04 pm
btw you guys should try out an agile programming method in order to develop and give updates on a continuous way on items / worlds etc in a more fluent way. You are on the right way but its sad to see some stuff not develop for a too long period ( dungeons ,...)
This only really works if the team knows how much time they are going to spend on a project in the given iteration. As most of Craftland is done on the side (I assume) agile programming won't really work.
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"You just put the things in the things" - pig001, 17/4/2015
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