Arena Fix Suggestions (Important)

Please post your suggestions to the server, webpage and forum in this forum!
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Arena Fix Suggestions (Important)

Post by BlasterG717 » Sun May 26, 2019 11:51 pm

As we all know arena is a very controversial topic right now. And I will speak for many and say that it is extremely unbalanced. New and lower tier players are able to go to arena get 3% damage and then get the best prize. Meanwhile the better players doing all the work to kill the boss get nothing good. A lot of people say that this is "balanced" and will argue against this but that is because they are the low tier players that are benefiting from this. And I will speak for Tjoll and I and say that it is very frustrating having grinded and spent money to get good gear then spending time in arena to do the high level damage/all the work only to get the worst prize and then seeing the player that came in arena at the last 2 minutes with the least amount of damage get the best prize. It's at the point where people are starting to try and not get first due to its horrible payout.

Possible Solution:
All these reasons is why I (as well as others) believe arena and its prize determination should be based on damage/percentage rather then place. Think about a situation like such, your online with one other person, you've spent 30 minutes doing a vampire and have like 40k damage, the boss is nearly dead when this other person decides to come to arena and do 2k damage to get second place and ultimately the better prize. All the work and time you spent killing the boss just went to waste. Arena prizes should be determined based on damage percentage or something else other than place for reasons such as this. All in all arena is unbalanced at its current state using "places".

Evidence from Tjoll and Myself:

Least damage gets best loot:







Prize getting yoinked last 2 minutes:







No reward given with high damage done:




These are only a couple of instances where we managed to screenshot the current arena payout.

Despite the conflict with this topic we do understand the difficultly in trying to balance things, and that the admins are trying their best to make things fair and equal for all players. However, we believe that there are other ways to go about balancing arena in which would be equal to all players without restricting the high tier players of their capability to get good prizes. Thanks for reading. Hopefully this provides useful feedback.

(Thanks Tj for helping with evidence and push for re-balance :D)

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Re: Arena Fix Suggestions (Important)

Post by Vsauce » Tue May 28, 2019 1:28 am

Loot needs to be evenly distributed to players to give new/rising players a chance at good items and to prevent OP players from hogging all the good drops.
With that being said, the top few players should have additional rolls to add incentive to actually try against bosses. I don't even feel the need to attempt doing lots of damage, I just go for the 3% threshold so I have a change of getting these rolls.
The system is nice for new players but ultimately broken. Why should someone who does a majority of the work acquire the worst loot?

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Re: Arena Fix Suggestions (Important)

Post by Bubik2 » Wed May 29, 2019 3:26 pm

Just deal with the rng
Fair for new and old Players to get loot
I feel like the system rn is pretty decent
Just a Bubik :O
(My English is always bad)

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Re: Arena Fix Suggestions (Important)

Post by Lucipo » Thu Nov 07, 2019 4:32 am

This same broken system is in effect to this day. I have been getting first place every single arena for the past week or so and never once have I gotten a rare or actually useful item (other than a singular valkyrie spawner out of 30+ first place arenas), and people in last to second get amazing loot. I dont know what is so hard to realize that people who do all the work get none of the loot. Not to mention other players hitting the boss a few times then leaving to reap the OP rewards whilst I have to kill the boss solo and get no loot is very frustrating.
arbr is best mod 2017

vote arbr for admin

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