Ingame Vote-links broken

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Ingame Vote-links broken

Post by Crovan » Mon Sep 04, 2017 8:01 am

When opening the Vote-GUI via Login-Popup and clicking at "open Website" it will open the website. Afterwards however, whenever you switch to another vote tab and try to click "open Website" the website you first opened will be opened again instead of the dedicated Website.

If you open the Vote GUI with /vote everything will work fine, the problem only occurs when opening the GUI over the newly implemented Popup which shows up every time you log in.

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Re: Ingame Vote-links broken

Post by pig001 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:35 pm

I'll try to fix that. Just btw, if you go to settings in the U menu, there is an option to disable it when joining, just so people know.

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