Warning System Changes

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Warning System Changes

Post by pig001 » Sun May 26, 2019 10:35 pm

The warning system has been out for a few years now (added in 2015), and we want to make a few changes to how it works.
These changes will make the system easier to use for the staff and provide fairer punishments to those who break the rules.
At the moment there is no release date for this system, but we thought it would be a good idea to let the players know what is coming.
However, these changes have been discussed with all staff members, and arent for player discussion. These changes are a result of input from many players over a long period of time, and these are the changes that have now been decided upon.

•Warning messages will change
The warning message right now isn’t worded well and will be changed depending on how new the player is. If a new player is warned, or a first warning is given, a kinder message will be given, otherwise, a reworded current message will be given.

•Warnings will be visible to all players in chat
This took us a bit of discussion, but warnings of players will now be displayed in global chat, with an option to turn them off in settings. The warn reason will be given, however the staff member that warned them will not in global chat. This is to protect our staff from the lynch mob of players.

•Warned players will see who warned them
When warned, the specific player who was warned will be told who warned them. This is so that the warned player knows who it was and doesn’t attack random staff members. They can also PM the specific staff member and discuss their warn. If they proceed to attack the warning staff member, further warnings may be given, and usual course of action will be taken.

•Warnings will not deactivate if a new warning has been given
This is to stop players simply not being punished for something they do so often. Warnings will continue to deactivate after the set amount of time, if and only if no new warnings have been given in that time. This is category independent, and any warning at all will stop past warnings deactivating.

•Warning mute and ban severity will be adjusted
This will be adjusted over time to see what works best for each warn type. Things such as disrespect will be more severe, while spam not so much. This is also linked to->

•A situation list for staff will be created
This will be a simple map of situation to warning category. This is to stop situations where certain staff will warn for one category, while other staff for another, and allow for fairer warns.

•Specific words will be auto warned
A new auto filter in chat will warn for specific words. These words will not be normal swear words such as "shit" or "fuck", but more offensive words. Warnings for normal swear words will only be given when directed at a player by a staff member.

•Context will be added to warns
More information, such as possible recent chat logs will be added to warns. This will aid if anyone ever believes they have been warned unfairly.

•A new warn appeal system will be introduced
As warnings will be more serious, we will add a quick and easy way to appeal them, either through the forums or a google forum. This hasn’t been decided but will be available nearer the time.

•Staff will be given specific training on this new warning system along with a simple test
This will be executed when the new warning system is rolled out and will mean all our staff will be trained to deal with many situations. Therefore, any instance of staff bias or unfairness will be harder to claim.

•Staff will have easier ways to warn
We will add new GUI systems to warnings rather than always being command based. This will allow warnings to be given easier and more quickly.


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