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Less Active

Post by amp » Fri Mar 23, 2018 5:24 am

Some of you may already know this, if you have me on snapchat.

On Tuesday morning, my brother's home burned to the ground. He and his wife had bought this house a year ago and worked non-stop to redo the entire place (it was a dump). My brother was dedicated for the past year. He would wake up at 2AM and go to work. When he got out at 9AM, he would go to his house and work on it until 7PM. Now, all that work is gone.

In this difficult time, I and others have been fundraising on his behalf to cover costs of rebuilding his home. This has been taking up a lot of time for the past few days; sending emails to local newspapers, spreading the word on Facebook and Twitter, etc. Once rebuilding begins, I will be helping him as much as I possibly can during the process. I am not sure when or how long this timeframe will be but, for now, I will be less active as I try to help him get his life back together.

I will still be on at late nights for a little while (near midnight Eastern Time) to help out around Craftland and answer messages. I will hopefully have enough time in the day to still contribute a few hours per week, but, I am not sure yet.

Chance - 'amp'.
Question Authority.
Be Too Stupid To Stop.

Qu'importe le chemin que je prends j'aurai des regrets et des remords.

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Re: Less Active

Post by Caity » Sat Mar 24, 2018 5:20 am

You're such a good brother. :)

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