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Cerb here!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:21 am
by Cerbion
Hey there peeps!

Some (or maybe most?) of you should know me from ingame/global chat for the past week now and I thought now would be a good time to tell a bit more about myself.

IGN: Cerbion
Rank: VIP
Country: Germany
Age: 20
Appearance: Look on the avatar
Hobby's: Programming, League of Legends, Craftland (duh!)
How did you find Craftland: Well, me and a friend were looking for a new server (we hadn't played minecraft for ages) and I think I found Craftland on PlanetMinecraft and immediately liked it.
What do you like/dislike about Craftland: I really like the integrity of everything, the mods are very well chosen/made and the server has a very stable and good economy (considering that we're only talking about minecraft). Although I like a lot about this server, there is one thing that is very annoying (at least for me) that there is no extended rulebook.. I mean the rules are literally 18 lines long and while there is most of the things neccessary included, I was being "warned" from other players that what I do is against the rules and all.. (mostly hightling a word with a color in chat etc) and while color use is limitted in the rules, there is no further info on how that's actually going to be ingame. And I don't really see a point why I would get rapped over the knuckles for something > not really explained < in the ruleset. So one thing I highly recommend is: make a bigger rulebook, even if it's only in the forum or something. (disclaimer: I searched for it on the forums if It's somewhere where I didn't look, just tell me and It shall nullify my suggestion/problem.)
Projects working on or build: Well we're not really having a "build project" for this, it's rather just a little Village for us 3 german players who started about a week ago, it's our Misuterra Village (warp below) and it's mainly just everything we need to gather resources, Xp and craft stuff, but everyone is invited to have a look and see for themselves!
Warp: /warp Misuterra Village

Oh and if any of you are asking: I currently coding a 2D-based MMORPG with Unity3D in C# which currently looks like this: Image
Hint: it's an early alpha stage and really not finished in any way, but if you want to know more, you're free to ask me whatever you want about it.
And other than that, I have plenty of coding experience in C#, javascript, Pascal, Python, PHP (+html, css), Pawno, LSL, etc.
so yeah.

Addition info: some of you might have the wrong picture of me, due to me writing stupid things in the chat. I am not a stupid kid who's just insulting everyone and being mostly just stupid in all possible ways. So keep in mind then when I write strange or stupid things or even insulting things in the chat. it's most likely ironically meant or something (I am probably the king if it comes to shit-talking)

I guess that'd be it about me folks! If there's anything you want to know about me, just ask me anything you want to know here and I'll make sure to ignore it!


Re: Cerb here!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 3:25 pm
by FallOutAdam
I have seen you in-game and you are really nice :D


Re: Cerb here!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 3:28 pm
by Cerbion
thank you :)

Yeah although the game is far from being finished x3 Maybe I'll post a bit more info about it in offtopic :D

Re: Cerb here!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:45 pm
by FallOutAdam
I would like that :D
I love that sort of game.

Oh, and do you want me to help with the village thing? I would happily expand it in my own playing time. I am a good builder :p

Re: Cerb here!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:30 pm
by Porkkana
The depth of the rules is indeed quite shallow but most of the player even ignore the current rules. Going in-depth of every single rule would even more so discourage players from reading the already short rules. A great suggestion in my opinion but hardly practical.

Re: Cerb here!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:07 pm
by Cerbion
Indeed and I understand if the project wants to be a "newb"-friendly, but it would be nice to have some more detailled rules explained somewhere, because A: I don't want to get banned for something not clearly stated in the rules. B: The Mods/Helpers/Admins don't have to warn every user and explain it, just redirect to the extended rulebook.
but I don't know, it was just an idea, I know most people don't like reading that much, especially about rules, but for myself I'd like to know exactly what I am allowed to do and what not. (for example, am I allowed to keep spamming the /kit(s)? things like that.. ).

@Crash: I don't think Rundasz or _AizTune_ will be against it, but in any case just message me, the next time you see me ingame about it~

Re: Cerb here!

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 11:06 am
by freshmw
Hey Cerb:)
You are playing lol as well?
Add me!!! :D
GoD freshmw

Re: Cerb here!

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 6:54 am
by Cerbion
Yes I do :P EUW "Cerbion" if anyone is interested :DD" onclick=";return false;