Patchnotes 9.012 - More Xmas Loot, Display Cases and Flower Dyes!

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Patchnotes 9.012 - More Xmas Loot, Display Cases and Flower Dyes!

Post by Mogubea » Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:59 am

Yes. We skipped like 6 versions... It's fine!!! Here are the patchnotes for version 9.012! Woo!

+ Added the ability to right click Display Cases with wool to change their wool color.
+ Added the ability to shear "wool'd" Display Cases to remove their wool.
+ Added the ability to craft 19 variants of useless flowers into dyes!

* Revenant Ring now grants 8% Other Protection rather than 5%!
* Revenant Ring now reduces maximum healing by 6 rather than 5!
* Revenant Ring's durability has been increased from 200 to 250!
* Revenant Greataxe now has a chance to chop off an undead monster's head (This chance increases based on missing hp and is much more effective on natural entities)!
* Revenant Greataxe now has a slight fuchsia glint.
* Warping will now clear players of fly effects.

* Fixed a dupe bug involving the Slider boss. Yes, the Slider boss.
* Fixed staff icons, in chat, randomly getting tinted.
* Fixed staff icons, items and advertisement items, in chat, from disappearing behind the potion effect UI.
* Fixed wool colors server-side (fixes crafting Display Cases due to RGB changes).

Xmas 2019 Updates
+ Added a new awesome reward for finding 75 and 150 Special Presents in Present Hunt!
+ Added the Celestial Present to Present Hunt (Counts as 2 special presents)!
+ Added a new Christmas exclusive skin set to the Present Hunt loot table!
* Replaced several rewards in the Present Hunt loot table!
* Reduced the amount of time between 2x Present Hunt Loot events.
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Re: Patchnotes 9.012 - More Xmas Loot, Display Cases and Flower Dyes!

Post by amp » Tue Dec 17, 2019 5:52 am

Y'all finally fixed the sheep glitch too, thank god.
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