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Update 1.9985 Patchnotes

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:29 pm
by nidefawl
- Firemonsters will now reset their health when you die/logout/warp out
- Sliders will now reset their health when you die/logout/warp out
- Valkyries will now reset their health when you die/logout/warp out
- Fixed /warp beginner for new players, you can build there the first 2h
- Improved jukebox radio!
- Fixed moderators not seeing admins
- Limited chunks internally to max -4000/+4000 for x and z choord (that is a +/-64k block maximum)
- Improved warp lists in Ingame GUI Menu (more details, sortable)
- Improved dungeon lists for admins (sortable)
- Removed that weird "Press $%1 to open your inventory" achievement hint
- Choose a very precise version number!