There are serious server problems...

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There are serious server problems...

Post by Undergroundie » Mon Apr 17, 2017 7:16 pm

So, I've read about the unbans...

...but what about:

-thelegendjet (Jet)
-chellius (chev)


they made the Server to what it used to be. Their offence they did recently was the actual response to what the server became the last months or even years.

Players need to realise that the Server isn't running 100% legal with all his pay-to-win functions and other updates.
Think about the Aether II update in August 2013. The Server owner was not permitted to release the extended world border based on Aether II according to the official Aether II Team.
I was told they had some serious discussions with craftland at all.
Also the hats you're willing to spend money on it, was not officially authorised through the Mod Author (at least those hats he stole from the mod).

So I might understand MarcelGS' and the other's reactions to the upcoming death of the Server.
I'm just sad that they spent that much money, time and blood into this Server just to see how fast it goes downwards. Also realise since their ban the special offers and other pay-to-win things soared up.

The last thing I would like to talk about is that the owners presence the last months (at least until February) was pathetic insufficient.

So if I had money on my side I would never, I say never spend money on this corrupted server. Think about it. This Server won't live forever, leave the ship now (better soon than late).

If this post gets deleted you'll know what that means towards the Server ;)

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Re: There are serious server problems...

Post by NotSkuerlin » Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:07 pm

1 it would be realy weird to not ban those people because of the money they donated
2 the special offers are mostly skins not realy P2W
3 if everyone is like "i wont donate to a server because it might go offline" thats a reason for it, but the money that chev marcel and jet donated isn't all what has been donated.
if you count every premium rank from every player the server made over 25.000$

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Re: There are serious server problems...

Post by _Wilber_ » Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:37 pm

What did you really expect when the server bans every single one of the top donators, they brought this upon themself just fine.

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Re: There are serious server problems...

Post by A_Land_Whale » Mon Apr 17, 2017 9:08 pm

_Wilber_ wrote:What did you really expect when the server bans every single one of the top donators, they brought this upon themself just fine.
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Re: There are serious server problems...

Post by Undergroundie » Mon Apr 17, 2017 9:18 pm


It seems that you're not well informed about previous special offers (spawners, hats and so on).
My post was about it was to tell you that some items that have been sold for real money were not allowed to sell.

and it's not "the server go offline because there isn't any money for it left", it's because the Server runs downwards and the community is almost dead.

to your first statement: I didn't mean they shouldn't be banned because they are the most donator, I was just asking whats going on with them for the next steps?
I think they aren't even interested in coming back on this server.

I asked them once and they told me: "If we're working hard on some new Projects and events for the Server and the Server Owner doesn't even show up for months without messages or something else -> that's what happens! It's an owners responsibility to take care of his Server and be there for the community."

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Re: There are serious server problems...

Post by Arbr » Mon Apr 17, 2017 9:20 pm

The reason people have stayed banned is because they broke a major rules. We cannot lift EVERYONES ban. The bans were selected based on reasonings and the amount of time spent.

Here were those followings ban reasons and why they did not get unbanned...

Jet: Duplication of Items
Marcel: Duplication of Items
Chev: Duplication of Items
(For Wilber) Lumber: For Causing major issues with Nidefawl.

This is nidefawls server. Just because you donated a lot of money DOESNT mean you are immune to being banned.


Pay to Win functions: We have directed the server into more cosmetics for purchase rather than pay-to-win stuff like spawners. But even if we did have pay-to-win features, its only because we need people to donate to the server. Luckly we havent really done any lately but there is always going to be a time were we might need to do this. Its not different from any other server really.

Aether II: We have Aether 1, We had an issue with Aether team back when Shadow Skylands was released but that was because normal players thought the aether made an update with a Shadow Aether and didnt want their players confused. We solved this issue with them and got written permissions. Also expanding the world is not an issue... from my memory there was never an issue with us expanding our worlds.

Hats: Hats are a cosmetic item. Majority of the hats actually in-game and on the Credit shop were made by Craftland players. We even had a player of our submit hats to the mod and get them added to their default hats list. (I believe moosh got this). We have 0 issues when it came to hats.

Hats - Armourers workshop: 95% of our skins fall in the same way as the hats. We made almost all the skins ourselves... expect for a few, and even then we have it set up where players can purchase them with in-game money by converting them into credits.

Since January we have been working hard to make the community better. Nidefawl has done a lot, All our Admins, Mods, and Helpers. We have improved so much and have done a great job. We try making content the players would like and we try to do things that are beneficial. If you don't see that then that's on you.

Also on the comment about nidefawl and the December thing. He was going through some personal issues that time which honestly I dont blame him. we all go through those periods and thats fine. During those times its for the Mods and Admins to make sure they are around enough to fill the gap for the players.

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Re: There are serious server problems...

Post by nidefawl » Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:14 pm

Undergroundie wrote:So, I've read about the unbans...

...but what about:

-thelegendjet (Jet)
-chellius (chev)


If this post gets deleted you'll know what that means towards the Server ;)
How about I ban you aswell?
_Wilber_ wrote:What did you really expect when the server bans every single one of the top donators, they brought this upon themself just fine.
Banned aswell.

Anyone else want to criticise my ban policies?

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Re: There are serious server problems...

Post by pig001 » Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:18 pm

So nide responded while I was writing this, and to be honest, I like his response more than mine, but too late, I've written this.

Hmmm, alright then, where to start.
First, I’m awaiting a response from someone saying "Oh here come all the staff out to defend the server", well yes, we will since so many false and/or "alternative facts" are being shown already in this thread. So let me present an admins view, in my normal manner.

"...but what about:
-thelegendjet (Jet)
-chellius (chev)

Uhh, they were all banned for duping items and ruining the economy completely... oh wait there’s more:
"they made the Server to what it used to be. Their offence they did recently was the actual response to what the server became the last months or even years."

They made the server into what it used to be? As far as I can tell you joined 2016 correct? Well, how it used to be, back in 2014 I believe, there was dupers, people banned for duping, so yes, your statement is correct, they made the server back into what it was, a duped ruined economy.
Their response? That makes it sound Asif they were entitled to make that response as a statement... towards the server? They're making a stance against the server for being... in not such a good place? And their response is... to dupe and mess things up even more? Oh, right, sorry, I see their plan and point perfectly, yes. To make their own money, to spend money on special offers and dupe the rewards to give themselves more power and wealth so that they can control the server even more, yes, perfectly justified reason.

"Players need to realise that the Server isn't running 100% legal with all his pay-to-win functions and other updates."
Pay to win functions, well that isn’t exactly what’s happening. For a while there have been certain offers that are against the EULA. We have been trying to fix this as of recent with more cosmetic offers. Unfortunately, this hasn’t been met with best responses. Apparently, people actually like to buy things which do something in the game (funny that), and I’ve actually had complaints from people saying "the special offers are shit and all cosmetic". It’s a never-ending battle, with people complaining the offers are too pay-to-win, or they are "shit". You see the issue here, unfortunately we are not market analysers with years experience who are able to magic up some way to keep money coming in, we have to do what we can, which apparently never makes everybody happy.

"Think about the Aether II update in August 2013. The Server owner was not permitted to release the extended world border based on Aether II according to the official Aether II Team."
Uh, what? Aether II update in 2013, we didn’t use anything from aether II as far as I can remember... the world border was based on a new generator, with the same blocks and items. Maybe the orange tree was added but all our own code, I have no idea what you're talking about here.

"I was told they had some serious discussions with craftland at all."
The Shadow Skylands? We had a naming issue with it originally being called "Shadow Aether", but that was resolved quickly after speaking with the devs(I did not speak to them, that was done by others). And we have written permission to use aether II things in the shadow skylands.

"Also the hats you're willing to spend money on it, was not officially authorised through the Mod Author (at least those hats he stole from the mod)."
The hats mod is licenced as (LGPLv3), according to the curse website, meaning we can modify, distribute, use for commercial, etc. the mod... so as far as I can tell, there isn’t an issue here. You can read about this licence here " ... 3-(lgpl-3)".

"So I might understand MarcelGS' and the other's reactions to the upcoming death of the Server."
You seem optimistic, and your very, and with a slight mix of sodium, view on the server is really helping it. As far as I can tell, you only want to rant, and have no actual intension of wanting to see the server succeed, or even play on it, so from your other point:
"If this post gets deleted you'll know what that means towards the Server ;)"
As much as I'd love to, I'd rather explain a few miscommunications.

"I'm just sad that they spent that much money, time and blood into this Server just to see how fast it goes downwards. Also realise since their ban the special offers and other pay-to-win things soared up."
They. Duplicated. Items. For. Their. Own. Profit. If there was another way of explaining this, I would... actually...
Or maybe even...
There we go.
And since their ban new special offers have had to be made, since you know, they bought a lot of the special offers and duplicated the items more.

"The last thing I would like to talk about is that the owner’s presence the last months (at least until February) was pathetic insufficient."
Unfortunately, we are not perfect humanoid robots who don’t have personal lives, it’s a real shame isn’t it. We all have issues we have to deal with, I’m a young carer, I take care of someone very close to me, but I still try to help with the server as much as I can, and that’s on top of school work. And trust me, its always a pleasure to read your beautiful posts claiming:
*how I don’t do enough work - When I have more important things to do rather than tend to your every need.
*how I need to do more - When I have enough to do.
* "WHERE IS DEEPVALE, LOL I MEAN DEEPTHROAT, its gonna be shit anyway", to something we've worked on for months.
I can deal with these comments luckily, but its still nice to see them.

"So if I had money on my side I would never, I say never spend money on this corrupted server. Think about it. This Server won't live forever, leave the ship now (better soon than late)."
And that’s my que to leave the ship that is your post as well, seeing the above response.
See ya! Have fun!

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Re: There are serious server problems...

Post by Kye » Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:14 am

nidefawl wrote:
Undergroundie wrote:So, I've read about the unbans...

...but what about:

-thelegendjet (Jet)
-chellius (chev)


If this post gets deleted you'll know what that means towards the Server ;)
How about I ban you aswell?
_Wilber_ wrote:What did you really expect when the server bans every single one of the top donators, they brought this upon themself just fine.
Banned aswell.

Anyone else want to criticise my ban policies?
Look I'm not going to criticise your banning policy but sometimes you do hold grudges and keep people banned just because you dislike them but in there cases they all deserve to be banned. Ik it's your server and its your choice to decide who gets to play and who doesent, it's just sometime you are slightly over judgementally in your banning other than that you a nice guy.
Busy firing potatoes out of my butt.

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Re: There are serious server problems...

Post by amp » Tue Apr 18, 2017 7:58 pm

This might actually be the most ridiculous thing I've read in years.

First of all, in terms of permissions with other mod creators, Craftland has been more than accommodating. We've bent to the will of the Aether team. We've let them dictate what we can and can not include in Craftland, and we didn't even care much when some Craftland features started to be brought to the Aether mod... With the hats mod, we had consent, and Moosh even got his hats added to the official mod. I don't know where you came up with this bullshit, but, keep it in your fucked up brain.

Second of all, why the hell would we unban people whose reason for being banned was duplicating and selling items for real life money? Let me tie this in with the third thing; pay to win. The sever offers advantages to players who donate, yes. That's called needing a way to pay the fucking bills. Your friends, however, would duplicate those items that you call pay to win into oblivion, and then sell them for less than the special offers. On a side note, we have largely moved away from P2W. We've been trying to do strictly cosmetic offers as we did in the past, but with limited success.

Last, and certainly not least, keep your alternative facts to yourself, Kellyanne.
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