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Mentor Revamp

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 2:34 am
by Hamster
The current mentor system has a few flaws. It can be a useful system if the teacher describes what fully all of the tasks, but even then there are still several gaps in knowledge. Some examples of what it could also include:

Spawners being picked up and how they work
Wall sign tutorials
Getting help setting up regions
Dimension difficulty
Setting up shop chests
All the dungeons (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Greycliff, Vanilla, Elysian)
Sorting systems

Along with all of these 'new' tasks, you would have to add some way of deciding which things the student does and doesnt already know, so you can specifically help them with what they need to know, and not just a vague overview of alot of things. For example you could have a list of all of the tasks, and they can tick what they do and don't know, and the tasks they don't know is the tasks they will have to complete

Re: Mentor Revamp

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 10:03 pm
by Lucipo
No offense, but I really don't want to do all 4+ dungeons, including elysian, find a spawner, set up a shop, and alot more 100 TIMES!