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Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 5:52 pm
by YT_Rivenful
I think that a really rare chance of killing a Ender dragon you will get a Fairy in a bottle (I know what your thinking Zelda fairy fountain where if u die the fairy revives you but this is different) when you open up the bottle you will get Fairy Named Navi. Navi will give the player Tips of effective ways of killing bosses, Talk to the player every now and then, and you can Feed Navi with the new crops you can grow in-game to level Navi up and chatting with it often would help it out but if u say the wrong thing to it then it may decrease its mood causing you to lose xp in leveling it, Each diff colored Navi got diff personality's and opinions based on their class. there are multiple types of Navi.

Cap the level benefits the damage and support these Ally's give so they arent too op.

Green Navi (Support): Supports the player During combat and out of combat with other skills (Heals player and help with other skills depending on Level of Navi.)

Red Navi (Offence): Deals Damage and reflects (More Dmg depending on Level of Navi.)

Brown Navi (Defensive): Aggros the Enemy this Navi (got more health depending on Level of Navi.)

White Navi (Intelligent Navi): Gives more Intelligent Tips and Conversations about the most efficient way to kill a mob and tips about the game (Gets more smarter depending on Level of Navi.)

Dark Blue Navi (Magical): Often drops a potion on the player to give buffs and shoot spells at nearby enemy's (Potion effects and magical dmg depending on Level of Navi.)

Purple Navi (Summoner): Summons low level Undead mobs to help you fight other things (Amount of the undead depending on Level of Navi.)

Yellow Navi (Agile): Gives a player speed (Level of speed depending on Level of Navi.)

Dark Green Navi (Archer): Shoot Arrows at Nearby enemys with Knockback (Knock back Depending on Level of Navi.)

Shiny Navi: You can get any color Navi Which are Shiny, Got this idea from Poke-Mon so The shiny Navi will be able to reach a Higher level than normal Colored Navi making those more OP but its rare getting a Shiny Navi from a Fairy Bottle.

Re: Navi

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:37 pm
by Slash
lol this is cool but when i first saw it, i thought it was going to be about the player Navi hahahah

Re: Navi

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 10:03 am
by amp
Slash wrote:lol this is cool but when i first saw it, i thought it was going to be about the player Navi hahahah
I did too, and I was confused XD

Re: Navi

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 8:25 pm
by Calico
Quick link listen!

Link: SHUDDAP!!!!!

Re: Navi

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:47 am
by hhhtylerw
Well, this would give some players who defeat the ender dragon often a huge advantage over others. Also, what does the mob look like? Is it a little glowing XP-like orb or a weird looking mob that flies around you. Also, can they die?