[Official] Minigames Suggestions

Please post your suggestions to the server, webpage and forum in this forum!
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Minigame Suggestion

Post by YT_Rivenful » Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:56 pm

A Minigame where a Giant Zombie Breaks through the walls and your only chance of survival is to use Traps laying around such as TNT Cannons, Spiked Traps, Dispenser's that shoot Arrows and time them correctly to kill the Zombie before it gets to you! You get 5 Minutes to Place the traps and load them up before the Zombie comes through the front gates.
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Re: [Official] Minigames Suggestions

Post by Nox » Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:40 pm

Last edited by Nox on Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PropHunt

Post by RandoroMcDuck » Sat May 02, 2015 5:42 pm

I think it could be really fun if we added a prophunt minigame to the server with several custom maps like the quake maps.

For those who are unfamiliar with the prophunt concept (used in games like TF2 and garry's mod), this is how it works.

There are two teams, the props and the hunters. They are very different from eachother, it's an advanced game of hide and seek where all the props can turn themselfs into stuff, and the hunters are to locate and kill all the props, before the time runs out.

How this would work in minecraft (With lots of inspiration/stealing from other plugins/mods/servers that have this):

Prop team gets teleported into the map and have X seconds to find themselfs a good disguise and a hiding spot. The prop members can middleclick any block on the map and they will instantly become this block. The prop member is now a block that is always located in the block the player is standing in the most and playermodel is hidden), if the player moves the block will move with him (in a blocklocked kind of way). A prop member can middleclick a block again (with a 1 second cooldown) to switch into a new kind of block, this can be done throughout the whole game. Prop members have 1 health only. Prop members also have speed I effect always. Props that pick no block to disguise to look like steve.

Hunters wait in the lobbyroom for X seconds while props hide themselfs, they are then released into the map to find the props. A hunter member can click any block in the map (except for maybe the borders) and this will make the block disappear, and it will hurt the player 1 heart (hunters have 20 hearts), if the block is an actual prop member, that prop member dies and no damage is caused to the hunter member. Hunters have increased reach +4(or more if possible).

General information
If all props die before the time limit hunters win. If all hunters die before time limit props win. If time runs out, props win.
Teams could be big but at least 4v4 would be required to make it fun. For the sake of preventing cheating through ghosting none of the prop members can see other propmembers nametags, they can only see what other hunters see.

Bonus concepts that could make it really fun:

Info: Available only for props, makes them invisible for 2 seconds. During this time they can still switch into a different block which will show after the 2 seconds have passed. Invisible prop members can still be killed by the hunters.
Cooldown: 2 minutes

Info: Available only for props, forces a taunt (see Taunts).
Cooldown: 2 seconds.

Info: Available only for hunters, kills the hunter, in a violent explosion that causes blockdamage around the hunter, any prop member hit by the explosion will be killed. Other hunters are unaffected by the explosion.
Cooldown: Can be done once, obviously.

Taunts are basic mockings through sound towards the hunters, imported fun sounds could be used, like rick roll etc. The sounds come from a prop member and are there to give the hunters a hint of really how close and where the prop member is hiding. 20 seconds after hunters are released the server will pick a random prop member (of the members still alive) each 10 seconds and force a taunt from them. Prop members can also use their taunt ability to troll hunters more, but that might cost them their life.

During the game powerups will spawn on specific (or random)locations on the field, these powerups can be taken by both props and hunters note however that powerups gives hunters and prop members different effects. Also if a hunter takes a powerup, a random prop member is selected and gets their own powerup, and the other way around. When a prop member or hunter grabs a powerup they get a random effect (See Effects).

These are auras given to players when they grab a powerup.

Speed II
Info: Available for both factions, makes them run faster for 30 seconds.
Duration: 30 seconds.

Info: Available for hunters, gives all hunters 4 instant health.
Duration: 0 seconds.

Info: Available for props, makes them invisible.
Duration: 10 seconds.

Info: Available for props, gives the prop member the ability to click on the side of a block as if he built a block there he becomes a prop in that position(until the duration ends or until he moves in which he falls down to the ground again). Basically click the wall and poof you're a block sticking out on that wall, click the ceiling poof, you're in the ceiling, they'll never check there). The ability can be used again if the player moves.
Duration: 1 minute.

Go fish
Info: Available for props, gives the prop member the ability to click on another hunter and poof the prop member now appear as a fishing rod on the back of the hunter. The prop members camera now follows the hunter. The hunter targeted can see the fishing rod himself if F5 is on and other hunters can see it as well. If a hunter clicks the targeted hunter the prop member dies. This ability cant be used if only one hunter is alive. The prop member can exit their taxi and get back into a block that will be behind the hunter he was riding.
Duration: unlimited.

Spectracular (meant to be this way)
Info: Available for hunters, gives the hunter a spectral pickaxe(they destroy 9 possible prop members per possible health loss), losing only 1 health when destroying 9 blocks.
Duration: 30 seconds.

Scoring and gameplay

A game holds four rounds (Each 5 minutes idk). The team switch roles each rounds making each team play two rounds as props and two rounds as hunters). After the 4 rounds each players individual score is the final score for who won and lost the game. Before each set of 4 rounds new players are able to join and players can choose which team they wanna start in (but it will try to autobalance team sizes).

Scoring for props (with no multipliers or balancing whatsoever):
Total time you were alive is added to individual score.
Total taunts you forced yourself is added to individual score.
Points for winning a round is added to individual score.

Scoring for hunters (with no multipliers or balancing whatsoever):
Amount of prop member kills is added to individual score.
End health is added to individual score.
Points for winning a round is added to individual score.

Possible problems

1. If the taunt concept were to be added, it's essential that sound could move with the prop(unless its really short taunts).

2. Resourcepacks could make a possible abuse unless that's thought about when developing (So props actually look the same as the block texture).

3. A lot of custom developing from staff side (probably).

Personal opinions

+Really fun!
+Another way for mods to distribute staff tickets.
+Could hold tournaments because of the teaming possibilities.
+Ability to outplay other players.
+A lot of different maps could be made that would fit this game (Some of the quake maps might already fit, even though they might be too big).
+Did I mention it's really, really fun!

-Might not be as well functioning as other games versions of it.
-People playing it a lot knows whats "out of place" and has that as an advantage.

Most of these things are just additional concepts, even a much simpler version would be really nice! :D
just some random doro

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Re: PropHunt

Post by Build » Sun Jul 19, 2015 12:34 pm

Randoro wrote:I think it could be really fun if we added a prophunt minigame to the server with several custom maps like the quake maps.

For those who are unfamiliar with the prophunt concept (used in games like TF2 and garry's mod), this is how it works.

There are two teams, the props and the hunters. They are very different from eachother, it's an advanced game of hide and seek where all the props can turn themselfs into stuff, and the hunters are to locate and kill all the props, before the time runs out.

How this would work in minecraft (With lots of inspiration/stealing from other plugins/mods/servers that have this):

Prop team gets teleported into the map and have X seconds to find themselfs a good disguise and a hiding spot. The prop members can middleclick any block on the map and they will instantly become this block. The prop member is now a block that is always located in the block the player is standing in the most and playermodel is hidden), if the player moves the block will move with him (in a blocklocked kind of way). A prop member can middleclick a block again (with a 1 second cooldown) to switch into a new kind of block, this can be done throughout the whole game. Prop members have 1 health only. Prop members also have speed I effect always. Props that pick no block to disguise to look like steve.

Hunters wait in the lobbyroom for X seconds while props hide themselfs, they are then released into the map to find the props. A hunter member can click any block in the map (except for maybe the borders) and this will make the block disappear, and it will hurt the player 1 heart (hunters have 20 hearts), if the block is an actual prop member, that prop member dies and no damage is caused to the hunter member. Hunters have increased reach +4(or more if possible).

General information
If all props die before the time limit hunters win. If all hunters die before time limit props win. If time runs out, props win.
Teams could be big but at least 4v4 would be required to make it fun. For the sake of preventing cheating through ghosting none of the prop members can see other propmembers nametags, they can only see what other hunters see.

Bonus concepts that could make it really fun:

Info: Available only for props, makes them invisible for 2 seconds. During this time they can still switch into a different block which will show after the 2 seconds have passed. Invisible prop members can still be killed by the hunters.
Cooldown: 2 minutes

Info: Available only for props, forces a taunt (see Taunts).
Cooldown: 2 seconds.

Info: Available only for hunters, kills the hunter, in a violent explosion that causes blockdamage around the hunter, any prop member hit by the explosion will be killed. Other hunters are unaffected by the explosion.
Cooldown: Can be done once, obviously.

Taunts are basic mockings through sound towards the hunters, imported fun sounds could be used, like rick roll etc. The sounds come from a prop member and are there to give the hunters a hint of really how close and where the prop member is hiding. 20 seconds after hunters are released the server will pick a random prop member (of the members still alive) each 10 seconds and force a taunt from them. Prop members can also use their taunt ability to troll hunters more, but that might cost them their life.

During the game powerups will spawn on specific (or random)locations on the field, these powerups can be taken by both props and hunters note however that powerups gives hunters and prop members different effects. Also if a hunter takes a powerup, a random prop member is selected and gets their own powerup, and the other way around. When a prop member or hunter grabs a powerup they get a random effect (See Effects).

These are auras given to players when they grab a powerup.

Speed II
Info: Available for both factions, makes them run faster for 30 seconds.
Duration: 30 seconds.

Info: Available for hunters, gives all hunters 4 instant health.
Duration: 0 seconds.

Info: Available for props, makes them invisible.
Duration: 10 seconds.

Info: Available for props, gives the prop member the ability to click on the side of a block as if he built a block there he becomes a prop in that position(until the duration ends or until he moves in which he falls down to the ground again). Basically click the wall and poof you're a block sticking out on that wall, click the ceiling poof, you're in the ceiling, they'll never check there). The ability can be used again if the player moves.
Duration: 1 minute.

Go fish
Info: Available for props, gives the prop member the ability to click on another hunter and poof the prop member now appear as a fishing rod on the back of the hunter. The prop members camera now follows the hunter. The hunter targeted can see the fishing rod himself if F5 is on and other hunters can see it as well. If a hunter clicks the targeted hunter the prop member dies. This ability cant be used if only one hunter is alive. The prop member can exit their taxi and get back into a block that will be behind the hunter he was riding.
Duration: unlimited.

Spectracular (meant to be this way)
Info: Available for hunters, gives the hunter a spectral pickaxe(they destroy 9 possible prop members per possible health loss), losing only 1 health when destroying 9 blocks.
Duration: 30 seconds.

Scoring and gameplay

A game holds four rounds (Each 5 minutes idk). The team switch roles each rounds making each team play two rounds as props and two rounds as hunters). After the 4 rounds each players individual score is the final score for who won and lost the game. Before each set of 4 rounds new players are able to join and players can choose which team they wanna start in (but it will try to autobalance team sizes).

Scoring for props (with no multipliers or balancing whatsoever):
Total time you were alive is added to individual score.
Total taunts you forced yourself is added to individual score.
Points for winning a round is added to individual score.

Scoring for hunters (with no multipliers or balancing whatsoever):
Amount of prop member kills is added to individual score.
End health is added to individual score.
Points for winning a round is added to individual score.

Possible problems

1. If the taunt concept were to be added, it's essential that sound could move with the prop(unless its really short taunts).

2. Resourcepacks could make a possible abuse unless that's thought about when developing (So props actually look the same as the block texture).

3. A lot of custom developing from staff side (probably).

Personal opinions

+Really fun!
+Another way for mods to distribute staff tickets.
+Could hold tournaments because of the teaming possibilities.
+Ability to outplay other players.
+A lot of different maps could be made that would fit this game (Some of the quake maps might already fit, even though they might be too big).
+Did I mention it's really, really fun!

-Might not be as well functioning as other games versions of it.
-People playing it a lot knows whats "out of place" and has that as an advantage.

Most of these things are just additional concepts, even a much simpler version would be really nice! :D

i like this idea. i would be fun to have more games and this one sounds really fun.

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Re: [Official] Minigames Suggestions

Post by jetoler » Sat Jun 11, 2016 12:41 am

I think there should be a team deathmatch for quakecraft. It would be cool because then it uses teamwork and it's, idk just it'd be cool if there were more gamemode options.
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Re: [Official] Minigames Suggestions Hide & Seek

Post by Connor » Wed Aug 03, 2016 6:18 pm

A game where the aim is to hide from a player, the seeker has a stick which immediately puts someone out as soon as they are hit with it.

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Re: [Official] Minigames Suggestions

Post by Lucipo » Sat Oct 08, 2016 11:40 pm

jetoler wrote:I think there should be a team deathmatch for quakecraft. It would be cool because then it uses teamwork and it's, idk just it'd be cool if there were more gamemode options.
Thats a great idea, or limited lives. So basically COD modes xD
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