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Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:32 pm
by amp
Well, because the server needs funds to keep it going, I had the idea of setting up a Patreon page. Basically, you can set it up so that, every certain day, it charges users how ever much money they have pledged. So, for instance, maybe Nide wants to collect from his Patreons everytime there is a big update. He logs on, and charges the Patreons. So, if I pledge $10, I will have to pay $10 everytime an update comes out and Nide charges it to Patreon. If many people Pledge $1, it doesn't seem like alot, but many people pledging $1 adds up." onclick=";return false;

Please look into this idea. :3

Re: Patreon

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:56 pm
by Tyler
I like the idea.

Someone mentioned adding a higher donor tier. What if Nide made partnerships with individuals to share in the operation cost of the server? It's kind of like donating, but with a guaranteed split in cost of operation. And, Nide would still have full control of the server. If I recall, it costs 70 euros, or $100 US, to operate the server. If that expense is split at least five ways, that cuts down on individual expense. There's no penalty for anyone who can't or doesn't want to be a partner. Again, just an idea.

Re: Patreon

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 3:55 am
by amp
Tyler wrote:I like the idea.

Someone mentioned adding a higher donor tier. What if Nide made partnerships with individuals to share in the operation cost of the server? It's kind of like donating, but with a guaranteed split in cost of operation. And, Nide would still have full control of the server. If I recall, it costs 70 euros, or $100 US, to operate the server. If that expense is split at least five ways, that cuts down on individual expense. There's no penalty for anyone who can't or doesn't want to be a partner. Again, just an idea.
It costs 70 Euros, yes. And, if several people pledge a few dollars, we can pay a good amount of the server bills!

Re: Patreon

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:33 pm
by Zarvon
Uh... do you mean Patron? Or is it different in your native language?

EDIT: After looking at the site, I understand now. Interesting choice for a name, but a very cool idea.

Re: Patreon

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:20 pm
by amp
Zarvon wrote:Uh... do you mean Patron? Or is it different in your native language?

EDIT: After looking at the site, I understand now. Interesting choice for a name, but a very cool idea.
XD. Yes, the name of the website is Patreon...

Re: Patreon

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:46 pm
by amp
Wow, guess only a handful of people like this idea xD

Re: Patreon

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 8:09 pm
by pig001
Im not sure of this idea, are you asked when he requests a payment? Or is it automatically taken from your account. If it was automatic, I wouldnt like it.

Re: Patreon

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 8:44 pm
by amp
I'll give an example.

A musician that I love (Josh Woodward) has a Patreon. Every time he releases a song, it charges all the people that pledged money to him, that amount of money.
So, if I pledge $10, every time he releases a song, I'm charged $10.

And, you can pledge any amount, or none at all. If you don't have much money, and still want to pledge money, just pledge $1. :P